Scrooge in Auckland

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December 15th 2000
Published: April 27th 2006
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Auckland from AboveAuckland from AboveAuckland from Above

View from the Sky Tower.
The following is a Five Day Combined Entry detailing my time spent in Auckland from December 15th-December 20th.

Day One

I'm now in New Zealand on my first night. Immediately when I stepped into the Auckland Airport it felt more like Christmas. I don't know if it was the colors, dark greens and browns. Maybe it was the fact that people were wearing long pants. Some people even had on long sleeved shirts. The night was cold too, mid-60s. All this and the more familiar temperate plants made it feel a little like New York State.

There aren't any really big buildings here that I could see driving in from the airport, except for that big tower all lit up in blue. I don't like arriving at night as I have no idea where I am. The bed and breakfast I am staying in is a little ramshackle and there is a communal bathroom. However, it does seem like the perfect environment for me to be young Ebenezer Scrooge. Which is what I wanted. Time alone to think stuff out.

Day Two

I just spent the whole day in Auckland. There was Christmas music playing in
Maori FacesMaori FacesMaori Faces

I thought these guys were awesome.
every store. There was a 50 ft Santa at the corner of Victoria and Queen streets. The temperature was a perfect 74 degrees. I found it to be perfect walking weather. It does feel cold to me however coming from the tropics like I am and all.

Auckland seems like a really good city. Nothing to memorable actually, but it has everything you could want. It definitely feels different from Australia, but I can't put my finger on why. The Kiwi accent is one of the strangest I have ever heart. It sounds like they have something in their mouths or something. Maybe it sounds strange to me because I have never really heard it before in person or on TV. I went to the top of the Sky Tower today and looked at the city of Auckland and the surrounding countryside, while I listened to sounds of the season.

I can't wait to find out if it is possible for me to get a work permit for Australia again. Once I know the answer I'll know what mindset to adapt. I think my rational mind his saying that I should let this idea go, but my heart
Auckland CathedralAuckland CathedralAuckland Cathedral

I went to see this very modern Cathedral sometime near the end of my time in New Zealand.
is saying that I want to go back to Oz.

Day Three

This Auckland Museum is actually pretty damn cool. It has all sorts of Polynesian and Maori artifacts and displays. It is a very nice temperature in here and is very airy. I guess a museum can be good after all. I like the native statues with their long tongues sticking out, reminiscent of the Maori Haka Dance. Still I am a little tired of traveling for sightseeing sake. I keep having to gear myself up and push myself forward. The water around Auckland really has a remarkable blue-green tint to it. It is very unique. Somehow I knew it would look like this.

Day Four

I had some crazy vivid dreams last night, maybe it is still the lingering effects of the Larium. I was sitting in a bar and Auckland and letting my eyes wander to the various Kiwi girls, especially these two who were playing pool. It made me realize that I'll be fine no matter what happens with the outcome with the work permit. There are so many girls out there in every country.

Day Five

I can't believe I am going home tomorrow. Over four months on the road. It doesn't seem real. I don't feel like I am in a foreign country and I think I've lost touch with what home means. When I get home I will se what lessons that I've learned will set in and which ones will be forgotten.

Note: This entry comes directly from the journal I carried around with me on my first post-university adventure to the southern hemisphere. A lot of personal ramblings were cut out, although a little was left in.

added april 26, 2006


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