Last few days in Australia, Australia summary and welcome to New Zealand (ok so its quite a long title but i think it pretty much says what I need it to)

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April 26th 2008
Published: April 26th 2008
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Hi all

Well after I last left I had 3 days left in Melbourne before heading to New Zealand. The afternoon after I last updated I went on a cycleride along the front. Melbourne was a lot hotter then Sydney and another plus it didn't rain. Along the bay front was a cyclepath which I went along for 13km before doing a u turn and cycling back, in retrospect i think I went a little far. That evening I had a roast dinner which was absolutly amazing and my 4th and 5th cousin and the 4ths cousin wife who was also the 5th cousins mum came round (they were Tim, Nicholas and Sally respectively). They were all really friendly to me. I had an amazing nights sleep after my coach journey the night before and didn't wake up till 11am in the morning.

When Roger came back from work at about 1 he took me sightseeing. We went to the Botanical gardens, the war memorial and then into town to have a brief look. The town seems really large and is apparently so as everyone owns a large amount of land, though there trying to change it. There is a lot of greenary despite them being in a draught for the past 12 years and had a much nicer feel then Sydney. In the evening Roger took me for a steak which again was amazing and two of the best meals I have had since I left England. (the roast and steak).

The next morning we met up with Nicholas, Tim and Sally for breakfast and then after saying bye to them, had a look around the other side of Melbourne which did not look too interesting and then parked up and walked to the cricket ground to watch football. (Aussie Rules). It was Anzac day (sort of like rememberance sunday but a public holiday and made a bigger deal out of then in England) so it meant the game was a traditional game that sold out (Roger reserved seats through means unknown) We met up with some of Rogers work collegues and had a meal in the cafe and sat down in the members area for the game between Collingwood and Essendon. Where Roger and co supported Essendon who lost by 73 points (154-81). However I still don't quite understand the rules but I did begin to and really enjoyed the game and the whole atmosphere.

Roger drove round the Albert Park racetrack on the way back which (if anyone dosn't know (by that I basiclly mean everyone except Dad and Simon)) is the Grand Prix circuit for Australia which is public road for the rest of the year though one small section is cut off. It was quite strange seeing it without all the grandstands and gravel traps, but the pit garrages were still therer (apparently they are sports courts)

I was up early this morning to get a flight to Sydney (thanks Roger) and then connecting onto Auckland. I met Tom in Sydney and Rachel in Auckland as she was on a different flight. We had a very rough approach into Auckland, felt as though the wind was turning the plane, however I was already amazed at how friendly the Kiwis were in particular the Cabin crew who were jokeing about with the passengers and trying to wind each other up.

We had a few issues getting into New Zealand. It turns out to be the strictest country to get into we have gone into. I was absolutley fine. Got asked a lot of questions at imagration about who i was travelling with (as Tom wasn't there as he was waiting for someone on the plane to stop using his pen) where I was going and where I was going onto and they actually asked to see my onward ticket (which had the wrong dates as it needs to be reiussued. Tom decided to go the same lady who recognised he must be my friend and decided to give him an even harder time, she started with "are you the person who lent his pen, thats probably why you are late", "why are you here for just 4 days thats not stupid" "Your not going to Nadi but its great there" then once he battled his way through and we met Rachel at baggage claim we had to go through customs and biosecurity where they decided Rachel matched the description of a drug smuggler and they went to question her more throughly. This included being asked "do you have 2 kilos of herion on you as that would really make my day" after apolagising that she didn't they let her go without checking her bag. We got onto the shuttle bus into the city where as I have now found out Tom and Rachel got dropped off at the wrong YHA and I got dropped off at the wrong Base hostel. But we are all sorted now and ready for tomorrow.

Australia Summary

Highlights of Australia
The awesome people I have met
Whitehaven Beach
Lake Mckenzie
Driving on Fraser Island
The cattle station
Ring of fire
The random nights

Lowlights of Australia
Fraser Island group
The rain in Sydney and Byron Bay
the long coach journeys including the broken down one

Song of Australia
The Potbellez "Don't hold back"

Quote of Australia
Sarah "Don't ever let me say i am never drinking again, alcohols awesome"


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