Great Barrier Reef

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November 8th 2011
Published: November 8th 2011
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Today we took a snorkel cruise out to the Great Barrier Reef. It was a wild, long ride out...people were barfing into bags all around us so we scuttled up to the deck and enjoyed the sea breeze. We went to the outer reef. We must have been with a real 'non-swimming' crowd as Paul and I were the only two who didn't need flotation devices or to be towed by the snorkel guides. They had asked us our swimming level prior to jumping in....after seeing everyone else we wanted to go back and upgrade our questionnaire to 'Michael Phelps' level.

We decided to go wild and took a helicopter ride over the reef. You take a small boat to a small pontoon and get on the helicopter for a 20 min ride. The colors were amazing and we saw an army of turtles from the sky. When we got back to the boat we snorkeled more and ended up swimming with a sea turtle. There was also a fish who is about 100 lbs that is routinely fed by the crew and we swam with him, too.

We realized that we bought quite a bit of beer at the store (there was a sale) so we are off to enjoy some on our balcony....we do need to rehydrate after all of that sun.


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