Drive By On Da West Coast

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May 25th 2009
Published: July 21st 2009
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Day 35 (Monday 25-May-09, NJJ)
We spent morning on internet sorting out Darwin accommodation, flights from Alice Springs to Adelaide and 'The Ghan' train journey from Darwin to Alice Springs. Backpacks on and off we went into the city . Had a KFC lunch. Got the train to Ashfield station to collect our campervan but we ended up walking around for ages looking for the rental place, not happy as we were carrying all of our luggage. The camper was a converted transit van, great and we had to pay a $1000 bond that we hadn't been told about, not great. From Perth we drove to Ledge Point, near Lancelin and stayed at a campsite there for the night. We cooked pasta and sauce for dinner. I had my first cup of Glengettie tea in over 5 weeks. We settled down for the night and watched two episodes of Underbelly on the van TV/DVD before bed.

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