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May 3rd 2006
Published: May 7th 2006
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It's been nearly a week since i last updated this, and we've done quite a bit since then, including doing to the West Coast Eagles v Brisbane Lions Aussie Rules Footy match at the 43,000 seater Subiaco Stadium, which was great fun (even though it took us nearly an hour to actually work out how its played!) We were supporting the Eagles, as they are the local team, and they unded up thrashing the lions 122 - 63 which only made things better. We also went down to the WACA (the cricket ground where part of the ashes is going to be played in december), and although the ground was closed, the security guard was nice enough to let us in to have a look around, and then spent about half an hour telling us how he hates the brtish government!

Apart from that in Perth, we've just been sight seeing, and shopping (which ended up costing me a fortune) before getting one of the best milkshakes ive ever had from baskin robins!

We then decided to leave Perth for a few days and head down to Fremantle, which was a big mistake, the hostel was a complete dump, smelly, holes everywhere etc, and there wasnt actually anything to do in Fremantle, even the bars closed at 10pm, yet for some unknown reason the book shops stayed open much later...

On tuesday we took the ferry over to Rottnest Island, which has been the highlight of the trip so far, loads of tiny beaches/bays with crystal clear water, and loads of marine life. Rottnest is also the home to the Quokka! which looks like a giant rat, but is actually a marsuial that hops about, and is suprisingly very tame, even quite cute! I think im right in saying Rottnest is the only place in the world where the Quokka's live, so its definately worth going over to have a look if you get the chance.

Overall I've absolutely loved Western Australia, and I definately want to come back one day, I think that the only bad thing that has happened is that Wayne Rooney broke his foot, oh, and also someone stole our bread!

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Photos: 6, Displayed: 6


5th May 2006

Security guard at the WACA is not alone in hating the British govt.
Good for the security guard in letting you into the WACA, he's obviously got some sense if he also hates Bliar, the war criminal. Rottnest Island sounds great, and yes it's the only place in the world with Quokkas - I have that on good authority. Melbourne next? I guess you'll be visiting the MCG. Keep enjoying yourselves, and take care. Love Dad.
7th May 2006

This journal is great
Hi Josh. I have heard so much about you from Mary Parker, my daughter, I just wish she was doing one of these journals - it's brilliant. She is in Sydney now - and for the next 3 weeks. I just love your writing - it is very entertaining! Take Care and have fun. Mrs Parker.
9th May 2006

whats up josh. read your journal before but couldn't be arsed to leave a comment. australia sounds pretty awesome, quokka's look pretty rad but the picture doesn't work on ur blog, only tom's. Sort it out! sweet that you got to see the waca where we're going to spank the aussies next year. i'm macking in hong kong at the moment which is chilled. only been here a couple of days and already spent a shit load of money. anyway talk to you later and say whats up to tom. would leave a thing on his site but thats too much effort.

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