Adios Amigos

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April 7th 2006
Published: April 7th 2006
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Welcome to my webpage, I hope to update this for each country I visit, but we'll see how it goes, and whether Sally can be bothered finding the internet everywhere (I would of course update every day but Sally won't let me).

On Sunday we fly to Melbourne, and then on Tuesday we leave for Santiago, Chile.

I should probably return to supervising Sally's packing now - I think I need to remove half of the stuff she's going to take. Sock-puppets travel with a lot less. Oh well, I'm not the one who has to carry it. If she doesn't hurry up she'll be late to her going away party.

I'll keep in touch, from some new and exciting place.

Goodbye Perth,


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18th April 2006

Goodbye sally
Hi sal This is just a comment to say nice blog!! and nice sock puppet! Goodbye and happy travels Lou-eyes

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