Great ocean Road - Victoria

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February 12th 2009
Published: February 12th 2009
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I treated myself to a bit of freedom, renting a car from Melbourne and driving the Great Ocean Road. I had a bit of apprehension about driving on the left side of the road, but it isn't any different than driving on the right - except for the turn signal - I turned on the wipers about 50% of the time !! (and I only went to the wrong door the first time).

The drive was beautiful - right along the coast, lot of look out points, rock pillars standing just off the coast, light houses. Part of this coast was nick named shipwreck coast, as the waters here can be pretty bad, strong currents and winds, and rocky shallows.

Last Saturday when I wasin Melbourne was the hottest day in its recorded history (46C), with about 100+Km winds (it was brutal!, I went out for a bit and almost passed out in a McDonalds !!) That was also the day that all the bush fires started (many of which are still burning!!) Fortunately I wasn't anywhere near the affected areas - it has been aweful for those people, they are still trying to get a handle on the total deaths and destruction.

I'm in Tasmania now, I'll be roughing it for a bit - on a 5 day camping trip that ends in Hobart, have a few days there before I say goodbye to Australia on the 22nd.

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Me and my rental carMe and my rental car
Me and my rental car

If only I could afford keep it !!

12th February 2009

Great Trip
Hi Erin, I am really enjoying your blog - I feel like I am along for the ride. Take care...Jo-Ann

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