Fun in Melbourne

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June 19th 2006
Published: June 19th 2006
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the yarrathe yarrathe yarra

this obviously is a postcard but this is the site i was telling you about, my fav place in melbourne- so peacful and beautiful- my pics are better tho!
hey all. wow where do i start. having an amazing time here. Melbourne is so beautiful.
have got over intial shock of arriving in melbourne- which was an acheivment for me a) not ending up in outer mongola and
b) lizard time didnt happen either! (i think only a select few may get me on that one). but yer, suddenly, being in a city the other side of the world, where knowbody knows you, you dont know where the hell you are, ands cold, (im taking about english feb) and being alone- it does make you think- ur journal becomes your only freind- haah- thanx for it btw, coming from someone who has never kept a journal in her life- found it kinda cool. found it even
cooler when i found out some other guy was saying exactly the same thing, you know about the only freind thing- he was cool- not sum loser by the way!! but yer after uv started talking
to your 1st couple of people, exploring the city becomes a little less daunting- and now im having the time of my life.i love this city so much- its so peacful and beautiful. it has this sense of calm and its classy- not in a pretentious way but in an effortlesss elegance. the archtecture and interiors(i no - im a geek) but its blown me over.
sorry if the pics i post take ages- i just had to put them as a high resolution- it was one of the most beatuful sights iv ever seen. hopefully you can see this from the pics. the people here are great- my bunk buddy's a lovely guy called
guy who's from israil, then theres an ozzie oppostite- then the rest of the 16 spaces are filled up with the irish-wwhhaaayy!!!-lol- thats right somehow i manage to get put in a room with 17 guys - haha- i think living with firstly 2 boys and a man,
then 2 guys n teen wolf- has somewhat prepared me!!! am yet to speak 2 one of the guys with him being sober! on first night went down to our bar and got chatting to this english guy called ed, we watched england getting slaughtered by the ozzies. cant believe they were playing just around the corner- if only id of got there a day earlier. after saying at bout half 12 that i probs had missed a nights sleep n it was probs best i went to bed- i say i probaly had missed- i just dont know- i was disorientated with the timings that i may of- i couldnt remember the last time i slept or wheter i was in english time or oz time!! anyways headed upstairs to my room where of course, the irish lads were drinking and convinced
me 2 come out with them. was a wicked night- we went to an irish pub(of course) lol,(by the way, for the elderly who are reading this LOL is a term us young ones use when's somethings amauzing, laugh out loud, im not saying lots of love) (grant!) but yer got back about 5 in morning- and realised that the 3 mouth ulcers i have do not like sambuca- no no no- am finding it hard 2 eat atm- not happy about that. also wasnt too happy about the continually drunk irish guy wanting to watch porn on my bed at half 5 in morning- there are only so many ways to tell soemone to stop watching porn on your bed!!!!! haha...anways things are very chilled am going on the neighbours tour in a few hours which shuld be fun. still got lots to do- 12 apostles, great ocean road, st kilda- to find the hippys-yaaayy!!
and lots lots more. so rounding off having the time of my life- love this whole independent travelling thing- its so liberatingand now iv made sum friends i feel very at home and know i can do this.
write this is the second part to the day- was meaning to post this this morn but the free internet wouldnt let me so had to email it 2 me 4 this comp but cant be to long on this expensive $1 doller ever 12mins...ggrrrr...... couldnt go on neighbours tour because suddenly faced with reality of not having money. well its there but i couldnt get it- ran around 1/2 of melbourne trying to figure out wot was going on- banks- ATM getting very scared seeing as i had 20 cents..aaaaa....was given 24 hour numbers- 24- wotever- having to wait- anyways whilst sitting on roof top thinking depressingly that i wuld have $18 for a few days thats like 9 quid(that money btw was money i got back from neighbours tour)..anyways desided i was so hungry n that i didnt care i was guna put the little money i had 2 good use n get a big mac..for sum reason i put in my card one more time in prob the hundreth ATM that day--and --dun dun daaaaaa--i can get money- so i dont know wot the problem was but im still guna go to the bank to make sure it wont do this again....will now start back with my plans of arranging tours ...yyaaayyy...i dont have 2 read n do all the free stuff( btw mum finshed the book...was realli good..depressed me a bit at end tho - but that may have been rumbling stomache- and empty belly life song from annie going through my head- good book tho!!)...and was runnning outer free things 2 do!!! anways great 2 hear from u guys- was so happy wen i found all these messages!!!
oo so happy- jack johnson is playing --and o tell helen im right next 2 a subway and get discount--aha- havnt been in yet! i became a little resentful of the smell seeing as it seemed each ATM was next 2 one and it seemed 2 be showing off that it smelt good n i couldnt afford it!!
anyways write back to me cos i did love hearing form people
hope everyones well and having fun. lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


19th June 2006

I love Melbourne too
Hi Stef, As expected you are fitting right in. I found Melbourne the most friendly place I had ever visited and loved it too. I'm biased and only visited Sydney for a couple of days. Give me Melbourne over Sydney any day. Most Restaurants in Melbourne are BYO (Bring your own booze) and are not too expensive. Let me know if you have any more money troubles. we could pop down to your bank and smooth things over. e-mail me on for private messages. Can everyone see these comments? It doesn't seem so. melbourne is only 9hrs ahead of UK time. We all thought it was 10 or 12 hrs ahead. Are there any girls at all at the hotel?! Dad
19th June 2006

so Australia loves yer!
Hi tef tef. so good to hear rather see your news. From the photo you look well at home. Obviously not gay ! not a girl in sight !!Sounds all fab.If bank ATM still plays up just make sure you keep dosh cash somewhere on bod so always have something blah blah ! Tell porn twit to find another mattress and get a life!! Had prob fing this site but gotcha now in me favorites.Will pass info onto George. Is G right ,only 11 apositles.? Gosh it must be all so amazing. Thought about you all through the flight thinking oh my god shes still up there!! Bet you are only just recovering now. Speak soon. All my love cuddles hugs and all those other embarrasing auntie things I can throw at you!!!XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
19th June 2006

heya miss stef, great to hear that your having a lovely time..the weather aint great here but htats good for me, being cold blooded n all! we get results 2m, is someone finding out for you what you've got? im ok with my pass as thats all i need to get into uni. why arent you going to lcc you never answered that one. you should. dont think i actually have anything of revelance to say so i'll leave it as this and try and think of some good stuff for next time. your quite deep really aren't you and i like the idea of all those irish boys! ooo fun! be careful and safe! love you x
19th June 2006

aww stef im so happy for you. your little story made me smile lots! im sooo jealous it sounds so perfect. you look soo happy lady. i hope it keeps up...of course it will tho! and 17guys eyyy! get you. hahaha. take care xxxxxx
20th June 2006

Hey Pretty
Oh im so glad you are having a good time and have settled in so well babes!!Your photos are lovely so keep them coming!We all miss you babes, and are so so jealous of you!Seems like ages ago we were counting down the weeks that you went away...weird!!Ima try and do one of these things when i go to africa although im not sure they have the internet in the desert...hmmm...anyway, love you lots and keep safe!xxxx
20th June 2006

Heey Stef, it sounds absolutley amazin there! (obviousley nothin compared to the happening streets o' winton but hey!) Love seein all ya pics, it looks beautiful! ah whenever i hear jack johnson ill just think of u partying in oz ! have millions a fun, can't wait to hear from u soon, love helen xx p.s. if u do get a subway get the tuna 1 and get all the salad (mayb not cucumber!) and get the southwest sauce - it's the best! hehe
1st July 2006

G'day sheila
Hi stef just found our way into the blog so your sense of direction getting to melbourne is better than us finding our way round cyberspace! What a fantastic time you're having - becca is green that you are in neighbours land! Hope the little Irish leprechauns arent causing too much bother and the ulcers have gone backpacking elsewhere! Its great to be able to follow you on your trip - keep sending us poor chilly brits some oz sunshine! Have fun and be happy TSR E and O xxxxxxx

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