hey hey

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Asia » Singapore
June 16th 2006
Published: June 16th 2006
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hey guys. cant be long..have found a free interent servace in singapore airport-sweet..but it will log me out in 10 mins. flight went well, well these 12 hours of it anyway- AMAZINGLY i slept 4 most of it- clearly student life has great effects! flew over singapore and am here 4 40 minutes- singapore is beautiful - will post pics wen im not dealing with the interent nazi!! anyways am yet 2 find wally- have slept 2 much, however, think i may have found her in gatwick- the women who cheaked me in not only gave me the wrong gate number but also told me wen i was arriving in the singapore and oz times rather then english times- which somewhat scared me- so no folks will not be getting in sat morn but in about 7 hours times...wooooooooooo!!!(time 4 u guys is nearly 12..its bout 6/7 ish here i think..who knows!!!... i think partly the reason 4 sleeping was in my seat of 3 1 person didnt show so me n this reali nice ozie called marie got 2 share it. she's a teacher n has travelled around the world it seems for last 3 months- she's cool and told me she lives an hour outside melbourne n if i need a place 2 stay she'd be more then happy. write net is about 2 log me off..hope ur having fun..bet u didnt expect 2 hear form me so soon...byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


17th June 2006

well done for making it to singapore. i was there when i was 3 and they all stroked my hair as i was blonde. random. but have fun for 40 minutes haha. make sure marie isnt a crazy lady which fled oz because shes a crazy loon. oops. sorry i shouldnt scare you. take care lady lovesxxxx
17th June 2006

stef you wolly,,,where is he??!! it's lovely hearing from you i think you should add to your blog as much as you can!!!
17th June 2006

how is back pack hotel
hi darling great to hear from you so soon great you met marie, and that you slept well.how is the back pack hotel and have you seen the neighbours set.hope the weather is as good as ours i have been floating in the pool and been very lazy.we all send our love and hugs.
18th June 2006

have fun!!!
hey it seems your getting into the spirit of things already!!! dont forget kit kat caramels and !! bacon chicken and pineapple buger from burger king!!! look forward to your next blog!! all the best steff ev xx

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