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May 5th 2008
Published: May 5th 2008
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Hey Folks!
Have been in Melbs since Saturday. Am sharing a dorm room with 9 boys. Today the room was closed for fumigation (no joke).
I've been SO cold! But am slowly climatising back to English ways. Have been mooching around the city with pals. Have also seen Stereophonics. The speakers blew up twice at the gig - not ideal!
Have made pals with an aussie girl who has got a spare guest pass to an aussie footie game so am going to that on saturday. Am going to Ramsey Street to do a Neighbours tour on wednesday. Am going to move to St Kilda next week and get some work. Oz is shockingly expensive after being in Asia!
Hope you're all well.
Love Bex

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5th May 2008

she back!
YAY!!! Roo is back is aussie land!!! Cant wait to see you!
8th May 2008

Keeping in Touch
Hallo Bex, Back again to see what you've been up to, try not to grow too green around the gills, and let you know of my life too. Funny, we seem to have swapped weather. You say it's colder now you are in Oz, but in the UK we have had (don't want to jinx it) nearly a full record breaking week of proper sun. Had a cool bank hol, went to Rex to see The Bucket List with Vix and Ant and Jase Monday. Went to see Adele at the Shepherd's Bush Empire with Jase Tuesday, her vocal mad skillz blew us away. Also us sad oldies haven't been to a concert in something like eight years (shock, horror) so was good to get back to our roots. Don't work too hard, keep having fun times so we can get vicarious pleasure. Take Care, Amy xxx

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