Day 60, 61 and 62, Goodbye Australia!

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Oceania » Australia » Victoria » Melbourne » City Centre
March 23rd 2007
Published: March 23rd 2007
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Its my last few days down under! I have loved every single minute and will be sad to leave tomorrow.

But, am very excited about going to New Zealand and meeting my sister Helen! Helen arrives at Auckland and then gets an internal flight to Christchurch. I land in Christchurch 15 minutes before Helen so we'll have an airport reunion which will be cool! Then the planning must begin, we have 2 nights booked at a luxurious hostel (as a little treat, to break Helen into the backpacking way of life!) and then need to work our way down to Queenstown where we meet Helen's boyfriend, Chris. Looking forward to seeing you Chris!

Have spent the past 3 days in Melbourne with Andrew having a really nice time, eating out, going for coffee, chatting, looking round the shops and Queen Victoria Markets, sitting in the sun, watching films and just having the best time ever! Can't tell you how nice its been.

As Arnie would say, "Ill be back!"


23rd March 2007

hey lisa! hav a safe journey, im off skiing for a week 2mo 2 c my friend in Val D'Isere whos out there working! absolutely cannot wait! bon voyage! xx

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