Melbourne to Adelaide

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March 5th 2008
Published: March 5th 2008
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Penfold's BarossaPenfold's BarossaPenfold's Barossa

Title says it all
Day Three

We'll it 's early and we're at it. Trish sends me down to the front desk to grab internet access and I book flights to Adelaide, search for hotels and book one. And then curse when my hour of internet time runs out midbooking a car. Well there's always the airport for internet!

We check out of the hotel and find that the new manager who has shares in the company has lived in Adelaide for 3 years. He gives us pointers for wine country and we thank him and head on our way.

At the airport, we're able to use Qantas wireless internet to finish booking the car. whew!!

Adelaide is nice. We find the hotel and check in. We drive around and end up at Adelaide's beach - Glenelg. A place where settlers first landed and settled. It's interesting. The beach errosion is so bad that they have to truck sand in to keep it a 'beach'. We walk around this district looking at the quaint little shops. Tummies are grumbling so we dicide to head back to a seafood buffet we had seen on the drive down. As we get to the
Wine in Penfold's Wine in Penfold's Wine in Penfold's

A selection for sale
door we see a dress code sign. deciding neither of us are in 'smart casual' we head back towards the hotel to find something. We luck into another small fish and chips company and sit down for another one of the best seafood suppers I've had. Butterfish, garfish, huge prawns, scallops are done in a crumbled coating and are awesome!!

We head back to the hotel to plan Wine Country

Adelaide Day 2

It's another casual morning as we plan our route to wine country. This Thrifty outlet has provided us with an awesome street directory and trish guides me out to the highway that'll lead us to Barossa Valley. The drive is 80 minutes or so and the landscape reminds us both of the Calgary foothills.

We drive by a lot of boutique wineries before we stumble on Penfold's Barossa Valley. We head in to have a look at their cellar door which is very well stocked with wines from $12 to $1000 a bottle. WOW!! A nice piece of property too. We learn that they produced so much wine early on, that they bought a neighbouring distillery to make other by products from
Wolf BlassWolf BlassWolf Blass

Wolf Blass's new visitor centre
their grapes.

We head on down the road to find Wolf Blass. Another winery we've heard alot about and had the opportunity to consume a few bottles. Another wonderful property. Turns out the visitor centre is brand new and we're able to learn Wolf's journey from Germany to the Barossa Valley. Very inspirational.

We carry on to the information centre in Tunundah and find it as good as we've seen so far. And then off to Jacob's Creek, where we've planned to have lunch.

Jacob's Creek is the first wine that i (hughie) have ever appreciated so I'm really stoked to see this place. It's another gorgeous property with a long winding driveway. A big visitor's centre show that they're a corner stone of the Barossa Valley. We browse the visitor's centre and see of we can be seated for lunch. Lucked out again! as a few big parties have just left. Trish enjoys the chicken kiev with the suggested wine pairing and I have the Kangaroo with suggested wine. Both were spectacular!! As we're ready to clear up the bill, I mention that we'd like to buy a couple of bottles and we're brought to the
Jacob's CreekJacob's CreekJacob's Creek

There really is a creek here
counter and introduced to our wine taster. We have a few that I know we're never going to get in canada and we buy three bottles. Once the lady finds out we're from Canada the mood changes again and we get a ton of information from her.

back to Adelaide, we stop at a Dunnings. This is Australia's Home Depot/Revy/Home Building Centre. You get the idea. And trish and I are prone to wandering these types of stores on holidays! Interesting gear as always.

On our way back to the hotel, I stumble into a mall with a theatre and we check out Fool's Gold. Funny!
Not much on the way home, we head to Mac'ers. Trish can't convince me to go through the backwards drive through (yeah it freaks me out a little) and cruise back to the hotel


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