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December 6th 2007
Published: December 6th 2007
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Hi All!

Just a quick one as we've got washing and packing to do in prep for flying to Alice Springs tomorrow! Ok Adelaide is not as busy as Melbourne but has lots to do. Glenelg beach was lovely, we spent yesterday afternoon and evening there, we were only supposed to spend the afternoon but ended up staying for the sunset (and a few chardonnays - all in prep for the Barossa Valley wine tasting tour of course!). It was pretty windy on the beach and because of this it was actally warmer in the sea!

The Barossa valley tour was a real day to remember, we called in on four wineries the first being Jacobs Creek! I was so pleased as Jacobs Creek is one of my favorite wine makers! We have tasted A LOT of wine today and been introduced to a sparkling pinot noir (fizzy red!) which was lovely - this is'nt exported to the UK - shame! We visited three wineries before lunch and we started the tour at 10 am (all in all I think we've held up pretty well - judge me on my spelling!!!).

We've had roo on the barbie for lunch, which was a bit strange after seeing them hopping around in the wild and commenting on how 'cute' they are! Met lots of interesting fellow travellers again and generally had a really good few days in Adelaide and the Barossa Valley.

Also saw the largest rocking horse in the world - apprently!!

Bye for now :-)

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9th December 2007

Hi, Looks fantastic, take care, Heather

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