Nov 8 test gabba

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October 25th 2007
Published: October 25th 2007
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23-10-07. Day on point danger where dozens of cars got stickers. Whale spouts spotted. Looking south, island and headland. Ceaseless rustle of surf on sand. Bluebottles everywhere as i swam. Friarbird nest in norfolk pine.
24-10-07. She's cute and she loves it. Or is is time? Slow it down decompress. The monk seeks infinity. Can a caffeine and cigarette empire rule the planet? So far so good. Until the downside is inescapable. Kite surfer skimmed in easy breeze. Good days work done in burleigh. Very popular. The early morning run to sanctuary cove was entertaining. Power yachts, stink pots nobody living aboard. Fun but to see the opulence. I took in more than the cost of the petrol! Back to the head with surfers residential strip tower max. Another bloke got handwaver going gabba for test! He may have more mates too. Boiled potato and herring/mustard on barby with INSTANT hot water facility. And a sink to wash the dishes! Showers have been turned off due to low water. Desal plant one year rig on the skyline. Many brazilians. Ausrios samba and soccer. Their colours - blue white green and gold. Aussie colours - green and gold, blue white red. Girl said gold was aussie friendship! Another marvellous day free coffee and vanilla ice cream. Water vapour drifting by obscuring and revealing full moon.


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