Brisbane and beyond....

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January 26th 2007
Published: January 26th 2007
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Hi All, I've now left the delights of Byron and moved into the civilisation of Brisbane. In the state of Queensland so another time zone change, more drowsiness, etc.....
Byron has been fun and have made some mates along the way...from Kent - exotic!
Today is Australia Day (today of all days!) so Emily and I and are Kent posse went to Steve Irwin's zoo (God rest his soul). Saw the croc show which was awesome and stroked and Kangaroo which had a Joey poking out of its belly!
Better go now as gonna join the OZ Day celebrations.
Love Bex

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26th January 2007

Hey Bex!
Hey Bex, Well it sounds like you're having just an amazing time out there! Looking forward to seeing the next lot of photos you put up, Well done on your Blog, it makes the most interesting read! Two weeks and your life seems 300 times more exciting than mine. I am very jealous of all the places you've got to see and all those animals you've seen (and stroked) thats sooo exciting. Glad you're having such a fun time. Keep safe, and wear suncream! Lots of love, Katy x x
26th January 2007

Hello my love!
Wow- sounds like your having a fabulous time! Have you seen a koala yet?? (please smuggle one home for me!) Looking forward to hearing more about your travels... all's boring and cold in England- we had snow!!! Ok, so a little exciting... but it melted within an hour or two! love and god bless, Helen x

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