I am sailing!

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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach
November 21st 2005
Published: November 21st 2005
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I have just returned from a 3 day 2 night sailing trip around the Whitsundays! It is a hard life I am leading at the moment. The trip involved sunbathing on deck, snorkelling, lying on a beach, swimming in the sea and oh more sunbathing! Fantastic! Whithaven beach was amazing. Very clear, bright aqua sea with golden sand. A great place to try out my new bikini which is a must have fashion item around here and justifies the rather hefty price tag. I didn't feel sea sick at all and loved sleeping out on deck under the stars listening to the sound of the ocean.

Now heading down towards Hervey Bay and am booked on a 3 day 2 night tour of Fraser Island. I am now travelling with Yvonne from Germany (who I met on the Greyhound bus) for the next week at least so it is great to have some company and we get on really well. Weather here is still very hot and am actually getting a bit of a tan. Hope I am not making you all too jealous! If it makes you feel better, I am missing my roast dinners and marmite. Vegimite is just not the same!


26th November 2005

I'm soooooo jealous!!!

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