My Sailing Trip

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April 26th 2008
Published: April 26th 2008
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Hello readers!So its been what, 4days since the last blog, and what an adventure it has been. If i am right, i left off at Magnetic Island, or maybe from Airlie Beach, anyways here we go!

We arrived at Airlie beach on Tuesday night, having run out of fuel 10miles short, and having to wait for an hour for some more, not very happy! We checked into the hostel and then headed to the main bar in town so socialise with the other guys from the bus. Was a cool night, and met a cool welsh lad so had a good old chat about the rugby! Bed around half 12.

Up on wednesday to put bags into storage and get some supplies for the boat. I stocked up on some fanta, biscuits, and will admit that i had a mcdonalds at 11:20 am, to keep me going til our first meal on the boat, sorry! Oh yeah, the previous night we had the most amazing milkshakes from baskin robbins! Stocked up, we walked along the boardwalk to the marina where we met the rest of the guys on our boat, sadly we left ollie and sam here as they were on a different vessel. Before getting on, we had to be measured up for a stinger suit, which let me tell you, are very fetching....or not! Set sail at 1pm on the Broomstick, and had a good wind so got up to a good speed and headed straight across to a bay on the whitsunday island for some snorkelling. Was really cool though more to say on that in a bit! We then anchored up nearby ready for the night, and enjoyed cheese, carrots, pepper and humus as a pre-dinner snack. At this stage, around 6pm, the Goon was opened. This is 4litre box wine, ideal for a backpackers budget, and i will admit, i have managed to drink some! We were served chicken and potatoes at around half 7, which we ate under the stars which was incredible. There followed a late night of music, and lots of socialising. The guys, 23 total, were awesome, including a guy called DOM!!! we had some laughs over the two days! Also spent half an hour speaking to three lads from Greshams, all about Norwich and Delia etc, was cool. Hit the bunk at around 1, and did not sleep very well!!

Anchor was lifted at 7am, and we all crawled out of bed for some breakfast. Showers limited to 2mins a day in the evening, so sadly no wake up shower! We motored along to Whitehaven beach and hit the lookout before spending 3horus on the beach until 11am. The beach, well, even if i get photos on, i cannot do it justice. The sand is 99.9% silica, so very pure, white and stays cool. Plus beach huge and deserted. Maneged to wade with some stingrays which was pretty special as well. Back on ship we had ham and salad rolls for lunch, at this stage i will say this was the best i have eaten since leaving Perth 2 weeks prior! We then headed to Manta ray bay for some snorkelling, and WOW! I have never seen soo many different coloured/shape/size fish, it was incredible. Was snorkelling for nearly an hour, it was that good! The last stop before anchoring for the night was hayman beach, a sand bar off hayman island, where we were served nachos on the beach as the sun went down, very nice. Lucky to meet the boys boat here which was cool. Then anchored for night alongside two other boarts so we could look round, though everyone socialised with own boats and so tightly nit so quickly. Had steak and mash for tea, was awesome! Similar night as previous!

Up 7am again, friday morning, again hadnt slept well. I will admit this was because i was a little blocked up, but was scared to use the loo as i had blocked it the day before and it nearly overflowed, not pretty! You didnt need to know that really! Set sail back for Airlie beach, but midway were allowed to jump off the boat and be towed along by rope, and yes, one of only two people who could keep hold, what can i say!! Got back to the mainland just before lunch and headed back to the hostel to re-check in. We then had a group laundry session, clean clothes have never been soo pleasant! Also had first shower and hair wash for couple days, also very satisfying! Then chilled out by the lagoon, before i met up with Marianne from Uni again for couple hours. The evening was spent, as a boat, at beaches bar, and then the club mama africas where i danced away until 2am.

Woke up before the others today so i went on a hike. About 5.5miles round trip, up very steep paths, but the most incredible view out over the whitsunday islands from the top. The 28C heat led to a lot of perspiration though, very unpleasant i must say! Was hoping guys would be by lagoon on my return, but werent. However some of the guys from the boat were so chilled out with them for a few hours. Just left them, having made plans with the Norfolk boys to watch united chelsea later on tonight.

My next blog will probably be next friday/sat as i have a very busy week from tomorrow, with no internet access. Watch this space for photos i hope! Do keep in touch!


27th April 2008

Oh dear, Dominic, sharing a little too much with your readers. (Refering of course to your "blocking" comments) Though, as always another excellent and descriptive installment! You don't know what I would give to be able to just laze around a lagoon right now (shame I have to wait til Christmas for my hold. *sigh*) Anyways continue having fun and continue to keep us all updated with your travels. Laura :D

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