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Oceania » Australia » Queensland » Airlie Beach
January 15th 2008
Published: March 2nd 2008
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Total Distance: 0 miles / 0 kmMouse: 0,0

East Coast Run

Having a break...Having a break...Having a break...

The roads are flooded up ahead...

Still heading north and its getting hotter by the day.

News is coming through that they are having dreadful floods up north.

31 inches of rain in two days!

We'd met other travellers, who had travelled from Cairns.
And they were saying that the roads are so bad that they've had to delay travelling for a few days..

What to do????

That's it lets hold up in some luxury for a few days, until the floods clear.

Found a great motel in Mirriam Vale only $75 a night with free internet!
(Internet in Australia can cost up to $8 an hour)

Two days later.....

We'd managed to catch up with family and a few of our blogs.

And now we feel refreshed and ready to hit the road again, taking us further north......

The beaches were empty!!! Due to stingers, crocodiles and sharks.
We were a bit disappointed to find that we could no longer have a dip in the sea to cool down.

It seems the further north we go the worse it gets, a stinger suit is a must in these areas -
Did they know we were coming...Did they know we were coming...Did they know we were coming...

The ashtrays are big enough...
But we have enough to carry without buying one of those.........

Additional photos below
Photos: 38, Displayed: 22


On the road again...On the road again...
On the road again...

A monument which commemorates the discovery of gold in this region in 1858, think we are a bit late...
Skims favorite bird...Skims favorite bird...
Skims favorite bird...

The kookaburra again, maybe it's the same one folowing us around...
Ok its safe..Ok its safe..
Ok its safe..

The tide is out and no stingers on the beach...
Nice pose...Nice pose...
Nice pose...

Who do you think you are...
Baby possom..Baby possom..
Baby possom..

Fallen out of the tree....
Another empty beach...Another empty beach...
Another empty beach...

I wonder why...
Loads of cockatoos..Loads of cockatoos..
Loads of cockatoos..

Pulling the trees to bits...
Ok Skim...Ok Skim...
Ok Skim...

You want a part in the next remake of south pacific...
I wonder...I wonder...
I wonder...

If I can get a part too...
It's mine...It's mine...
It's mine...

I'll get it...
"Skid!" I said "catch it"..."Skid!" I said "catch it"...
"Skid!" I said "catch it"...

Not on yer head mate... (How not to catch a coconut)
Looks like floods!Looks like floods!
Looks like floods!

But no, the tides come in. Looks pretty though...

Water pump...
I know...I know...
I know...

You won't say no to a coffee...
Airley beach...Airley beach...
Airley beach...

Not much of one, but who cares! You can't get in the water without a stinger suit on anyway...
Come on Skim...Come on Skim...
Come on Skim...

You know I don't like standing under palm trees anymore....

Tot: 0.074s; Tpl: 0.014s; cc: 11; qc: 27; dbt: 0.0382s; 1; m:domysql w:travelblog (; sld: 1; ; mem: 1.1mb