Fun in Alice

Published: July 18th 2010
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I arrived in Alice on Sunday 11th.. Met up with some of the guys from trip from Adelaide Germans Germans and more Germans I think there are more Germans here than Australians, having a laugh with them though most are good company, we got pretty wasted the first night, next day I got up feeling very fragile there isn't much to do here so me and one of the German girls decided to check out the reptile centre where I held a snake and a bearded dragon they gave a talk on what to look out for and what to do if we get bitten (great that's all I need when I was going on a camping trek in the bush). But it was very interesting and now I always carry a bandage just in case ha.

There isn't that much to do here in Alice so I just waited around to go camping, staying in a really cool hostel called Annie's place, the weather is lovely so just chilling with some people round the pool. Walked to the Anzac viewing hill. I might visit the flying Doctors tomorrow before I head to Darwin.

Thursday I went on my rock tour which was amazing has such a brilliant time worth every penny. We visited Uluru for the sunset and sunrise, The Olgas, Kings Canyon, Atila, went to a cattle station and a camel farm where we raced the camels that was funny. The whole trip was 1,500km so lots of driving. We camped outside in swags around the fire watching the stars, collected wood for the fire on the way round. I was with a really good fun group of people. So other than my swag being wet and nearly freezing to death on the first night it was AWESOME - My new word that I annoyingly can't stop saying.

Again another rushed blog but least gives you a tiny idea of what I'm getting up too (takes so long to upload the photo's so no time for writing a book), but I have some many funny times and stories but not for the blog.

I'm annoyed at the minute because I brought a train ticket for the Ghan to Darwin but now I've met this dude who is driving there on a 3 day road trip stopping at all the fantastic places on the way. Someone offered to buy my ticket but they won't let me change the bloody name. So do I loose $150 and grab a lift which will still cost more for petrol etc but will be the best experience or get the train. Hmmm I'm going to decide when I wake up but think going to grab the lift.

Anyway I'm off now

Hope you enjoy the photo's

Lots of love

Me xx

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