port mcquarie

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Oceania » Australia » New South Wales
December 2nd 2008
Published: December 2nd 2008
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i arrived in port mcquarie late at night, it was incredably stormy. the bus was an hour late. the hostel i stayed at had a driver pick me up, which i was glad because it was such bad weather and was close to 10 30pm. when i had woken the next morning it was not very nice out but was extremly humid because of the storm. i walked around town and saw all the shops. and walked around the harbour which was very nice, i think i might have seen dolphins which is very common there but i wasnt sure. i walked to the koala hospital and saw some of the injured koalas. there injurys are due to car accidents, disease and fallen injuries. they are not very smart animals but very cute. i then walked around the many beaches they have there and walked back to the hostel. later i went out with some people from my hostel. i became good friends with a girl named susan from ireland. there was also a canadian guy there that i had talked to quite a bit. 10 of us went to an irish bar but it was full of older people so after a few drinks we went to a bar called the beach house right by the water where there were younger people and then continued on to a club which was more fun for everyone. me and the irish girl stayed a while longer and then headed to a food place by the club. while we were eating we met 3 australian guys who were very nice, we talked to them for about an hour and then walked home. 2 of the guys walked us home since we were by a dominos pizza and it was late.
sunday i left for coffs harbour. when i arrived there was a car that picked me up to take me to the hostel. i walked to the store and got some food to cook and then watched a movie and went to bed.
monday i walked down to the beach, the water is getting warmer as i get up the coast so i went for a swim and walked around coffs harbour when i got back to the hostel i made myself some dinner and went bowling with some people with the hostel.
tuesday i was going to leave for byron bay but it was booked so i sat around the hostels pool and read.


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