Camilleris Down Under

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September 4th 2009
Published: September 4th 2009
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Hello All!

I have decided, in my perpetual busy-body state, to begin a travel blog. Mainly, because I feel cut off from Sunny Malta (possibly coz it's over 10,000km away), and also, so anybody who could be arsed about what we're doing over here can find out easily. 😊

So the story so far...

We're (finally) in Sydney Australia. After an incredible 13 hour flight, we have touched down on the island of Kangaroos and ridiculous accents. All is well. Now at least. However, I HATE airport people. They are by far the most annoying people in existence. I bet that's the only requirement. "Are you bloody annoying? Do all your family members hate you? Do you have no friends? Come work at the airport!" Probably the interview involves a race to see which applicant can make 25 people slit their wrists fastest... There is a $1000 fine for using you phone in the security section, and you have to declare anything made of wood, edible, or made of animal products to customs. Things that should technically be declared, if you actually take the crap seriously, include: paper (made from wood), your clothes (cotton is a plant product), anything with glue in it (made from animal fat)... You get my point. OBSESSIVE. :ยท Anyhow...

They make the donuts good Down Under, as I can testify since we ate a couple while waiting for the guy who was suposed to drive us to the car rental place. He arrived, *eventually*. Btw, they have MacDonalds here. After we arrived and put our stuff down and had a shower (thank you God) we went to see a beach. Not a clue what it was called, but it was nice and rather sandy. I've been dosing on and off all day, due to the ridiculous jet lag I'm suffering... We're 8 hours ahead of you guys in Malta, if you were wondering.

I would love to write more, but I'm assuming I've probably bored the hell out of you by now, and to top it all off I'm so tired my eyeballs feel like they're trying to crawl out of my skull. the closest thing I've had to a good sleep since I left Malta on Wednesday is a three hour nap in Dubai, from 3 in the morning to 6. I am quite exhausted.

With this I leave you, because my interal organs are protesting due to lack of sleep. I'll upload some pictures as soon as I bum/buy a card reader, since mama's laptop was bought from a museum and we lost the camera wire a few years back...

Lots of love from all, and take care.


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