Geraldine Doogue

Australia's flag
Oceania » Australia » New South Wales » Sydney
February 10th 2006
Published: February 10th 2006
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Just when it seems this blog might get boring something happens that gives it life. I got up and out early to get the going-to-work crowd at the ABC in Ultimo. This is an early morning shot in the dark. The spruiking was good. Geraldine Doogue got a sticker saying it was nice and she might be able to give it some publicity!!! This is like the top of the food chain at the ABC. Well, I live in hope like everybody else on this planet.
After it got quiet, I slid into Surrey Hills because I had passed it on the bus yesterday and thought it looked interesting. A buzzing place and stickers went out briskly. Some guy said his design company was going to put out a local paper and wanted me to talk to his partner. I did. Upshot - may get a show in their publication.
Later met a guy in the women's clothing industry which is big in this area. He got a sticker. I told him to see if anyone wanted to use the design elements in the flag for women's fashion.
Stickers out - 70
Tomorrow I'll do my Darlinghurst run and then sailing.


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