The Blue Mountains, Forresters Beach & Pili's binge drinking

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January 28th 2009
Published: January 28th 2009
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The Blue MountainsThe Blue MountainsThe Blue Mountains

Govetts Leap
22nd November 2008

After a restless night for Peter (I kept him awake snoring, I blame his son Dominic for the snotty cold) we set off for the Blue Mountains and Govetts Leap. After a three hour drive we arrived at Govetts Leap lookout point, a vast panorama of the Blue Mountain stretching for miles to the horizon. Vertical walls of sedimentation in all shades of reds and browns and waterfalls so high the winds were blowing the falling water sideways, IT THEN STARTED TO RAIN! Then HAIL!!!!!! We were in Australia weren’t we? I wasn’t too bad as we had scored some snack products and excellent coffee from a nearby town, ‘Rain stops play and lunch is called…in the car’.

In between rain showers and cheese and crisp rolls Pili and I ventured out and down a winding path into the valley below. We saw a few birds, a couple of Rosellas and some finches then made our way back up the cliff face as the hail started falling. By the time we’d got back to the car the hail was the size of peanuts. At this point we withdrew and headed of the a location Peter wanted to show us and photograph, Forrester Beach and another three hours on the dual carriageway, Australia is a big place!

The beach we found was a long windswept affair with crashing waves at one end and rocks pools at the other. The bit that interested Pete was a geological formation consisting of a lime stone shelf that was exposed at low tide causing a mirror like effect reflecting the moonlight. Unfortunately we didn’t get a low tide or moonlight. We were treated to another glorious fire red sunset though and some great photo ops of the beautiful rocks that were eroded through eons of time, smooth as a baby’s bum and looking like Alien Edam cheese!

Pili and I also got talking to a guy called Chris and his son who were walking the dog, another meeting of minds and another hour alive.

It was a good couple of hours drive back to the hotel and when we arrived Pete crashed so Pili and I hit the town. We headed for the Observer Hotel bar that Pete had took us to previously. Several pints of cold Guinness and Pili throwing down JDs like there is no tomorrow. Pili ended up a little drunk and merry!! She generally abused everyone in her Pili way, everyone who came within our radius that is, well it’s all fare game. She even asked the ginger barman if she could have a photo with him because of his freaky moustache. I better explain further. November in Australia (and New Zealand for that matter) is a time for growing VERY silly facial hair for a prostate cancer charity called ‘Movember”. Looking around us it was obviously taken very seriously, even by some of the ladies.

At this point in the proceedings it was time to go back to the hotel. Pili and I both snored tonight, bless Pete, apparently at one point he was stood over me with his pillow justifying up 25yrs of friendship, ya gotta laugh!

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