My Bridge Climb

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May 12th 2008
Published: May 12th 2008
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Sunday morning was an early start. The surf camp people had us up at half 6, and we had to pack up before breakfast and our bus leacing at 7:30. I had fried eggs on toast and some rice krispies, they went down very well, and got me in a good mood for the day, which was good as 8hours driving ahead!We set off on time, and the ipod came out!

Here is a quick synopsis of the journey. 8 albums listened to in total, lots of staring out of the window, Beranice turned round every half hour (when awake) to tell me she was bored, we stopped for donuts mid-morning (mmm!!) and lunch around 1pm, at which point i was desperate for the loo. I had a hungry jacks cheeseburger meal, as did the two girls. More music and staring out of the window, oh and some rain, before finally arriving in sydney at 4.

Our arrival took us in over the harbour bridge with great views of the opera house and down-town. The girls and I got out near the central station, where they checked in and i walked to Jemimas place. She wasnt in! And i didnt know when she would be back, grr. (later turned out the keys were in the post box, how did i know?!). Not wanting to risk waiting around for hours, and no contact phone at the time, i went and checked in where the girls did. Glad i did as we had a great evening together. They cooked for me, before we walked down to the harbour. Got some good photos of the two famous landmarks at night time, before we sat and had a drink, outside, over looking the opera house, pretty special i must say! On our return, they went to bed and I watched a film in the TV room. We had agreed to leave at 8am to see the sights as they are only here two nights. When the film finished though, i decided i was still awake so walked to a bar to watch the football.

HAPPY DAYS! I hugged lots of random irish guys and lots of high fives, but soo happy to see united win the league! Saw the trophy presentation and eventually got to bed at around 3am. 5hours later, I was up in the lobby waiting for the girls. We headed straight to the opera house, via Hyde park and various photo stops, and booked in for the 10am tour. In the meantime we got juice and muffins and ate them overllooking the bridge. The tour lasted about an hour, and took us into the two main concert halls. Both were spectacular in their own right, but particulalry the orchestral hall as opposed to the opera hall. The whole place though was amazing, the architecture is fantastic, and very glad to do the tour.

Here i left the girls as they had other stuff to do, so i took my self around circular key to an area called the rocks, the first place of settlement. Lots of cool little shops and things, and whilst here i checked out the contemporary art museum which was cool, and also Cadmans cottage and the discovery centre. From here, i walked around under the bridge to the observatory, before heading to the bridge itself for my climb.

The climb took about 3.5 hours. It started with a chat and then kitting up in boiler suits, harness, radios, gloves etc, a simulation stair climb and then we headed out. It was amazing. Standing on the top of that bridge looking out was like nothing I had ever done before. If you ever come here, ignore the money and do it! Annoyingly, cant take cameras up though! Enjoyed the whole thing massivley though, and bought a photo of me at the top!

From that i walked back to the hostel as the sun went down, and the lights came on. I love sydney, really cool city, could stay here dyas, lots to do! Met up with girls again and we are going to go for a meal (cheap) at Darling harbour later on when they have packed!

Right times up, got to go!


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