My Spot X

Published: May 12th 2008
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Hey, so its another double blog writing session today, since I want to keep ares separate, i feel it makes better reading!! The last blog left off in Byron Bay having had my first surf lesson. That night, i stayed in the hostel as they were having a film night, watched a film called hostel...yeah never again, disgusting film! The following day was much the same as the day of my first surf lesson. I got up, hit the beach for a bit, before going for a surf lesson at 12. They offered me a reduced price hence doing it again. We went to the same beach, but today being a second dayer we hit the water straight away, without any theory on the beach. They ran out of beginners boards so they gave me more of a performance board. Much harder to handle, though just about managed.

Spent a lot of the time in the water with a french guy called pierre, who was on his 6th surf lesson, so was getting quite good. He gave me some useful help, plus it was nice to be floating waiting for the good waves with someone else. Everyone else stayed in the shallow water, surfing the waves that had already broken. Had a wicked time, though had more wipe outs than actualy surfs, but all good stuff. Was VERY tired by the end of it all, not helped as i had worn a wet suit today, which made paddling harder, hence more tiring. Spent an hour on Byron Beach after the lesson, just soaking it up, before going to cook my tea. However, on the way back to the hostel, who should i bump into but the four guys i had said goodbye to on tuesday! Obviously, because i wasnt meant to be in Byron, they had caught up with me again, so we spent the evening socialising before they went clubbing, and i went to bed for my early bus.

Saturday morning, was on the bus at 8am, heading to the secret surf spot, spot x. We made two stops on the way, at the first i bought a medium sized apple pie, which made a great breakfast, and at the second stop, i ate the sandwiches i had made, forward planning that is!! We arrived at Spot X at around half 12, and hurriedly checked in, as we had a surf lesson at 1. Now it was assumed we were all beginners, so we all went through the basics before taking it in the sea. Back to a learners board today, but that was cool as it made it easier! Met a cool guy called Peter and we both stayed out in the waves, well after everyone else had given up. Today was my best surf by far and have some good photos to prove it, including one of me bowing!

The evening was cool, we had a two course meal, lots of food, before sitting down on sofas made of surf boards, around a fire. We shared a few drinks, and a lot ot stories of our adventures so far. It was here I met Beranice, Gemma and Sam, all my age, yay! We had a particularly good laugh that night and managed to hold the seats all night, to the annoyance of the youngsters around us! Spot X was gorgeous, it was set on a camp site, but very much a surf theme, and the little cabins (in ship containers) were lovely, good beds, and a HOT shower, at long last!

Right, on to the next blog and Sydney!!


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