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December 30th 2007
Published: January 2nd 2008
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The Rocks - Weekend market
Up and about early again. decided to go to the zoo and the Rocks market which is only at the weekend. After strapping Woody's feet up as the new flip flops were hurting, we set off. After about 10 mins his feet were pure agony... unfortunately any shops were the other side of the market so we meandered (he hobbled) through the amazing markets. The arts and crafts were gorgeous and every stall had something different, there were also cafe's down the side streets and there was a brilliant, relaxed atmosphere. When we had finished his feet were so bad we entered what is now kknown as 'flip flop gate'!!! We could not find anything for him so after swapping for a bit decided he would wear mine (which I had in Ibiza so are ancient) and I would get a new pair. This solved all the problems so we had a pint to celebrate and then went to catch thhe ferry. The queue was huge but we perservered and managed to get on the 1pm ferry to Taronga Zoo. The journey across the Harbour was amazing and we took about 3 million photos. When we arrived there was a cable
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On the ferry leaving Circular Quay
car that took you to the entrance, it was so weird 'flying' over the elephants and urangatangs!
At the top we entered the zoo, again the weather was fiercely hot so we took our time and stuck to the shade. The first animal we saw was a Koala!!! People were having their pictures taken with tem but you weren't allowed to touch so we took some good pictures and moved on, we saw loads and you could get so close....I even got mud spattered when the elephants were cooling themselves down!
The final animal we saw was a kangaroo and the keeper was feeding them so we saw some hopping! By 4 the heat had taken its toll so we decided to go back by cable car to the ferry. The jetty was heaving so had to wait a bit but the trip back was great and again the view amazing. Got back about 5 ish, went to the supermarke to get some bits... discovereed they do not sell alcohol...?! and all the bottle shops were shut so had to make do without! Chilled in the flat then went out for a couple of beers but the sun had
taken its toll on me so we made our way back. Got into bed and Wooody said he has never seen me go to sleep so fast.... before I'd even closed my eyes....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

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Ahhhhh a cuddly Kowala
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Cool Elephants!!! Unlike us...

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