Sydney Airport - Bondi - Byron Bay

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April 22nd 2005
Published: May 3rd 2005
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Hey guys

Sorry I have been a bit slack on the ole travel journal...just been sooo busy!!

Well we arrived safe and sound in Oz....although a icle bit cold compared to scorching hot Thailand!

We had already organised a house to stay in on Bondi so headed straight there. It was a 6 bedroom house about a 10 minute walk from Bondi Beach. Stayed with loads of cool people....3 from Canada, 2 from Sweden and 3 from England (including 2 from Slough!!).

Spent 2 weeks in the house at Bondi, went into Sydney for a couple of days. Saw the Opera House and Harbour Bridge....sorry to disappoint but decided against the bridge u seriously know high that thing is!! Anyway we did a boat tour which was to see Russell Crowes house.

Had a couple of great nites out as well. Me and Nat treated ourselves to dinner at the Tower Restaurant..think its the tallest building in Sydney and basically while u eat dinner it spins round. Saw the most amazing view of Sydney (I've attached a pic, although it doesn't do it justice).

Also had an excellent nite out with all our house mates in Kingscross....v strange but it is exactly like our Kingscross. Lots of hookers and strip show places. We all got extremly drunk (could have been to do with the fact that we started drinking at about 5pm!). Ended up in a really cool place called The of my best nites in Oz, probably due to the fact that me and the guy that I had my eye on for the past week got it together....I ended up draggin him all the way to Byron but lets not jump ahead of ourselves!!

Me and Nat then had a brainwave...why be driven around Oz in a touristy coach when we could be our own chauffeurs. Thats how the idea of us buying a camper came together. (I'm guessing we were probably drunk when that idea came up as well). But anyway the idea stuck so we headed to the Kingscross Backpackers Car Market. Very seedy looking place...its based in the basement of a dark car park!! Me and Norris toddled off with our vast knowledge of mechanics (yeah right!!) and went and bought the fist motor we spotted...well it did have a really cute sink in it (also reminded me of my first dolls house!!). Didn't really matter the fact that u had to have Arnold Schwarzenegger's legs to drive the thing as the clutch is on the way out!! soon as the lads (Andy and Amit) saw us drive up in that beautiful wagon (by the way we nick named her in mother fucker) they knew that they wanted to be included in our adventure.

So last Wednesday we said goodbye to our new friends and the 4 of us set of in the lurve wagon! (its got a great sticker on the back that says "if this van is rocking, don't come knockin"...class!!). Heading for Byron Bay (with the boys only having till the Sunday) it was Madonnas "Holiday" all the way...that is until Martha didn't seem to want to go faster than 10 km per hour. Andy ended up driving for an hour at 10km till we got to the next town...which was called Grafton. A place I would recommend that everyone visits at least once in there life...not!! It was like a trailor park in America...I thought we was gonna get shot down just walking along the street. After a most exciting nite out on the town (there is only one pub there!) and a most delicious Chinese meal (Nat found a pube in her ice cream!) the van was fixed and we was on our way again.

We eventually made it to Byron Bay and it was definately worth the drive. Beautiful beach...lots of sunshine. Spent a day in a place called Nimbin, which is where they sell loads of weed!! - u get offered cookies and weed while u walk down the street and everyone is totally stoned our of their heads!! Had a gorge meal at the Balcony restaurant - watched a full band (drums, speakers the lot) playing on the street. The people here are the most funniest and wackiest ever! Anyway it was one of my best weekends since travelling but then sadly I had to say goodbye to my lush lad on Monday 😞 Fear not...we r keeping in touch and r going to meet back up in Sydney before he goes home in June.

Since then me and Nat have been chilling out in the camper (due to the fact that it won't stop raining.....and would u believe it its now sunny in Sydney!!). We also had a bit of an art class in the back today. Nat bought some paints yesterday so while she painted the inside with waves and hearts I spray painted a couple of gold stars on the outside!!

We are planning on leaving Byron on Monday and heading up towards Frasier Island - maybe stopping off on the way...Nat has this ridicilous idea of us fruit picking...we will see!! Although our funds are getting quite low and its looking like we may be back in beautiful Britain around August time!!

So for now I think thats about I don't want to bore u guys anymore with my love affairs!!

Hope u r all keeping safe and missing u all loads.



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