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October 8th 2005
Published: October 8th 2005
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Gday travel pommes! Well after over 10 years of thinking and talking about it we're eventually here - the land of beach,surf and sexy sand!
The trip from Aukland was but an eventful one for poor young Robert!
Firstly i got up at the crack of dawn - approx 3 am as Rob couldnt get on my lesurely 9am flight oh no. Well dropped him off in good time to then drive to the so called Ace Rentals drop off point which is a good 20 min hike in pouring down rain with all belongings on toe. Arrived at the airport to see a bewildered Rob sat down looking mightily unhappy - the 6am flight had been cancelled, the first of many mishaps. After some bartering Rob managed to purswade the staff that 5pm the same today is a tad to late to be setting of and he managed to scrape onto the last seat of my plane - a good start?
Well all was hunkey dorey until we then got to the busy check in desk - hmmmm 30kg - are u ok sir to pay the $50 excess fee.
15 minutes later of pulling most contents from within his suitcase he managed to get the aquired weight - allbeit if he had to carry most of his belongings with him. Ahhhh wash bag now that would contain razors/ scissors/ nail clippers wouldnt it - So after a session of discarding many sharp objects we then proceeded to Sidney- all ok now? No! That would be too easy- next thing - on the trip question
Dave: Rob
Dave: You did sort your visa out eventually last night didnt you?
Rob: Yeah sure - no problem

20 minutes later after i went through customs - wheres Rob?
Got luggage........funny no Rob?
Rob; (from the visa interrogation office above) Dave! Hang on - i wont be long
Dave: For !@#$ sake Rob whats with it today!
Rob; Theyve said ive got a criminal conviction
Dave: (speedily trying to remember any vague hazy nights out in blackpool that might explain it)........ok
Rob: But theyve made a mistake - on my application form they ticked the wrong box

Thankfully after a Rubber glove and some lubricant we were on our way to the EXIT.....................................................................................................................until we got to quarantine after Rob had talked to the security guard
Dave: Rob - why are we going this way?
Rob: Have too many ciggarettes - have to declare a load

Anyway after that we were out so all in all an experience and now for Robs explanation

Rob: No @$#^*@# comment , nightmare, never again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway we're here!!!!!!!!
Wahey Sidney and its awesome! Great drink and beer at the sidney harbour bridge - ill let the pics do the talking! Within 20 minutes got roped into being a guinea pig for a street performer with about 100+ people watching ahhhh/ danced to some aboriginal dijeridoo rave and saw a comercial being shot in sidney CBD.

See ya round the world bloggers!

Dave n Rob

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8th October 2005

Bigbro : Never a dull moment
Sounds like an eventful trip. Dave - have you finally found someone less organised than you are??!! Wow!! In the "we made it picture" are you just about to hit him?? Dave also got a criminal record - just ask him about his kylie albums.....Throw another shrimp on the barbie for me cobber...
19th October 2005

just caught up with your bloggs and am exhausted reading it! jealous of everything except the caves- haven't been able to go into enclosed dark spaces since the chu chi viet-con tunnels in x- saigon- which you'll no doubt find a doddle now when you get there! we're hoping to go to blackpool this weekend and see the gang, including gem. looks like you're having an awesome time, take care it's terrifying to read! x

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