G'Day Mates 2. (Jobs)

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September 5th 2008
Published: September 5th 2008
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Oh no, Somebody didn't do the dishes again!!!Oh no, Somebody didn't do the dishes again!!!Oh no, Somebody didn't do the dishes again!!!

I got hold of all the protective equipment before Maeve got hold of me.
Hi All, 4 weeks of living in Sydney was never going to fit into 1 entry. Our next big job after finding accomodation was to find a means of paying for it.
Everything was considered, although the worst and wackiest were reserved for moments of moneyless panic. Who wouldn't consider a job which involved sitting around all day, doing absolutely nothing and getting well paid whilst at the same time helping people to develop their potential. A pretty valiant and noble profession I hear you say - see how easy it is to justify being a male nude model for an art class, the things you can justify when you're stuck for a few bob. It would have made a very interesting addition to my CV don't you think, certaintly someting 'different' to discuss in a job interview.
Anyway on moral grounds I decided against it, also it was a job in Melbourne not in Sydney (Damn). The recruitment agencies seem to manufacture loads of jobs that don't actually exist, just to get you to register and then eventually when one emerges it's not as glamorous as first promised.
At the moment I'm putting up and taking down exhibition stands. It's
Bondi - Coogee WalkBondi - Coogee WalkBondi - Coogee Walk

Jenny, Emer and Laura put 'people make pictures' into action for Maeve
really like playing with lego all day long. The only problem is that it's not all day long the shifts are usually only 3 or 4 hours long and start really early or really late. I usually end up hanging around all day long just to make $80 here or there. It's a pity, I like the work and I get out and about. I was in Sydney Uni, the Olympic stadium and the Exhibition centre so far this week. If it was a solid 50 or 60 hours I'd be happy but it's just unpredictable last week I earned $800 not bad, this week it'll only be $425, and next week, who knows?
I'm trying to get a job doing formwork in the mines which pays incredibly great money -up to $4000 a week. It's really hard to come by jobs there but worth trying though. Maeve is not so keen as I'd be away from Sydney for a month at a time. It's not really why we went travelling in the first place but it'd be hard to say no to such massive sums of money. In reality I'll probably end up in a desk job in Sydney for far less money ($860pw), but at least Maeve will be happy. Actually I'd be pretty happy too, considering this was the type of job I was expecting to get anyway and I wouldn't have to go away for long spells.
Maeve started a temping job at a neonethology and pedeatricians office in a large hospital. Basically working as a receptionist for a Baby doctor. (not a really young doctor but a doctor who looks after babies). I think she liked it more at the start looking at all the'cute' babies coming in and out of the office including a set of triplets. Now all the crying is making them seem less 'cute', ah well.
On Monday Maeve is starting a brilliant new job with the bank she worked for in Dublin. She's really looking forward to it. She was basically left alone in a room all day long in the hospital -except for screaming babies, and didn't like that. Maeve's a people person and will really enjoy working in an office with a team of people who hopefully don't cry all day long. We've been hijacking their friday evening drinks sessions every weekend so far, in fairness Maeve's worked with most of them in Dublin before so it's really catching up with friends. Also Maeve will be working in a different area than she was in Dublin so she'll enjoy having a new type of challange in her work.
So Maeve is sorted with work and hopefully I'll find something more reliable and better paying, time will tell. At least we can afford our life in Sydney, hopefully we won't forget about saving for the rest of our travels after we move on from Sydney. We did have a few low moments after we signed our $1,800 a month lease and before we had any jobs to pay for it. Now we can really relax and enjoy our time here without worrying about paying the bills. We're told that it'll start getting warmer in a few weeks so we can really enjoy the Sydney lifestyle. We have a really long list of things to do while we're here.


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