Coogee coo coo! a quick catch up

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December 30th 2005
Published: January 3rd 2006
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Boxing Day 26.12.05
After breakfast we jumped on the bus outside our hotel for a 20 minute ride south to Coogee beach. Here we spent the whole day lying in the sun and chilling. This is a similar beach to Bondi and today there was little surf so we were able to swim which was good as it was so hot.

Today we went sale shopping on George Street. I (Mel) got a Billabong vest top and Andy got a smart t shirt/shirt.
We went to the cinema after this to see Wolf Creek. (do you want to know what it's about?) It's about 3 backpackers that get captured, tortured and 2 of them murderd by a crazed, psychopathic, mad bushman in the Australian outback, and guess what?? It's based on a true story! It was ok.
After another long walk around town we headed back for an expensive drink on the corner of Oxford street. (The only bar Andy would let us go in!)
That night we went to Hyde park to try and see the bats up close. This was cool because they came swooping down at the pond to have a drink before they set off to Centenial park.

Today we headed off to Darling harbour. We went to the outback centre where at 1pm they had a free show featuring a digeridoo player. This was good and interesting. He explained how to play one so we could all have a go afterwards. Andy could get a sound but I couldn't. We went to a bar during happy hour for a couple of cheap drinks.

We went to Paddys market so we could buy a sim card, so we now have a mobile phone!!
From railway square we caught a bus to Coogee beach for the rest of the day. We didn't swim much as there were bottle jelly fish in the water and lots of people were getting stung. It was a nice relaxing day. There was some massive surf!

Today we left our hostel to go to friends of a friend (Mandy) from home as we found it difficult to get somewhere for New years and it was very expensive. So with our heavy bags we set off in the boiling heat on a 20 minute walk into town to catch a bus to NewTown.
We arrived on time with our bunch of flowers to be greeted by Gwilym (vicar) , Sue (drug counseller aka drug queen,condom queen) and their son Aneurin, we were very nervous but were made to feel at home straight away. We chatted for a while and then the gave us our christmas cards and presents that we had been looking forward to getting very much (thankyou so much to everyone).
We then had a really nice lunch and settled in (their house is beautiful, a big contrast to our last hostel). Afterwards we Gwilym and Aneurin went for a walk into town and from here the took us into an historic cemetry and showed us the sights of Newtown (Gwilym knows everything about anything).
Later we relaxed, met Gaynor their daughter, had a really nice bbq and then retired to our nice clean bed.

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3rd January 2006

Hiya - great to see you had such a cool Yule! and have met up with the Henry-Edwardses - they are our Wantoks from PNG and we love em loads - I knew they would make you v v welcome - do pass on our love n all best wishes for '06. Gettin the photo with Judge Jules has to be a coup - excellent! We had a brilliant Christmas with everyone home here tho everyone got a 24hr tummy bug one after the other - Christmas day was Chris's turn mine came the day after the panto (Panto joke: Why are Pirates so mean? . . . because they aaarrr - hmm maybe this one you had to be there for!). Today everyone ('cept me) has gone back to work. I have just 3 days to catch up with all the other stuff that's overdue eeek! Hope you have the best time in Sydney - where next? Love you loads x x Mandy

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