Byron Bay

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January 15th 2012
Published: February 1st 2012
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Michael was hungover all day so we didn't do much. Met up with the girls for the last time as don't think our paths will cross again. We all treated ourselves to a big breakfast, then said our goodbies which was sad. It has been nice to meet up with friendly faces and good friends and we have had fun with them, as Michael gets on with them all really well. The weathers taken a turn for the worse and doesn't look like it will improve for the rest of the week. We found out what bird pooed on Mike and it is called a Bush Turkey.


Weathers grim again, why is it raining in the middle of Summer in Byron Bay?! RUBBISH! me and Michael did the lighthouse walk to the most easterly point of Australia, it took us a couple of hours, and we did not see any dolphins either (which sometime you can) and it started raining on us too! We posted a batch of postcards and Brians (mikes dad's) Birthday Card. Read some more of our books Michaels really getting into Howard marks and Im nearly done with the Hobbit S x


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