Lennox Head and Byron Bay

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February 10th 2006
Published: February 20th 2006
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Lennox HeadLennox HeadLennox Head

The surfer beach of Lennox Head. Interesting fact: Jack Johnson has a house here!
Hello readers!

I travelled to Byron Bay with Phil for a few days before he left and then Liam came to Byron to meet me. We decided to move to a place called Lennox Head as we were waiting for Laurie to come and wanted to save some money and Byron Bay is quite expensive! Lennox Head is a quiet little surfing town, really picturesque. We stayed here for 9 days, the accomodation was brilliant for the price, we had a little apartment between 6 of us! We took the opportunity to relax, relax and then ...relax! We spent our days on the beach, in the pool, in a gorgeous tea tree lake (the lake had tea tree trees surrounding it so it was filled with tea tree oil, looked like a giant cup of tea!). Liam tried a bit of surfing with a Swedish couple we met called Jesper and Lynnia. They panicked at one stage cos they saw a fin in the water, the Swedish couple came running out looking very scared but it turned out to be dolphins!!! Liam went on a wildlife tour where he got to go to a Koala hospital and see some other
Koala and LiamKoala and LiamKoala and Liam

Liam with his new friend who's name is Ben (on the wildlife tour)
interesting animals in their native habitat "the bush"! I meanwhile tanned myself as much as I could as we had brilliant weather while we were there!
Laurie arrived on the 3rd February and we collected her in Byron Bay. We stayed in Byron for a week. We spent a lot of time on the beach and our nightimes were spent in a bar called Cheeky Monkeys where they do $2 dinners...wonder why we went there all the time!!! Dancing on the tables was a regular occurance there and we had a few good nights. Laurie got a little sunburned on her first day in the sun (scalded!) even though she had factor 30 on so she had to stay out of the sun most of the time. I think she got through about 50 books!!!! We took a trip up to the lighthouse one day which was really nice, a 40 minute walk each way but well worth it, it's the most easterly point in Australia. We got to see dolphins jumping in the water and could even see some stingrays. Byron Bay is a total alternative place so is filled with lots of weird and wonderful peace loving, long
Byron Bay BeachByron Bay BeachByron Bay Beach

The alternative Byron Bay
hair, baggy pants and waistcoat wearing hippies! We were walking past the beach one night and there were lots of hippies playing drums and dancing like they were possessed! Great to watch though. Liam really wanted to join in the dancing but myself and Laurie held him back....he wasn't wearing his waistcoat that night! We left Byron with new philosophical ideas on life, love and happiness and headed off to Surfers Paradise. Peace man!
Lots of love,
Laura, Liam and the new edition Laurie xxx


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