Two weeks - 7 states - & 7 National Parks!

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June 29th 2006
Published: June 23rd 2009
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For our 2006 vacation, Jeremy and I decided to go on another road trip. This time we headed west rather than east, and we took my 2 nephews, Tyler and Brady, with us. It was a very busy trip with lots of time in the truck! I had everything planned to a "T", so naturally there was no room for side excursions. It was a lot of fun though!

We started out in Utah...well we started by going to Montana to put up my nephews then in Utah. The trip was a giant loop through UT, NV...up through CA and the OR coast...on to WA to see my mom, then back across WA, through ID and back to MT. Sound exhausting?! We drove through the Bonneville Salt Flats on the way out of Utah. That was entirely surprising to say the least! I knew they were there, but I didn't REALLY expect it to look like mars! They weren't kidding when they said you could see the curvature of the Earth from the Salt flats! We breezed through Nevada with out stopping anywhere of interest, and took a breather at Lake Tahoe to snap a few photos before we headed
Bonneville Salt Flats, UTBonneville Salt Flats, UTBonneville Salt Flats, UT

the Salt flats are actually what ramains from prehistoric Lake Bonneville
to north into California. We stayed at this little B&B outside of Lassen Volcanic National Park, and went into the park the next day. Lassen is like has geothermal features and such, but about 1/10 the size and and features. From there, we headed west to the coast and Pacific Coast Highway. We ended the day in Redwoods National Park (on the border of CA & OR) and spent the morning of the next day there as well. Nothing can prepare you for the enormity of a giant Redwood, so I won't even try! You'll have to see them for yourself!

So, after the Redwoods, we headed inland to go to Crater Lake National Park. I was a little bummed when we got there. The visitors center had just closed so I couldn't get my passport stamp, and there was a major rainstorm heading in. I snapped off a few pictures, but didn't have time for much else. We still had to make it back to the coast by the end of the night, so we just got an eyefull and headed out. The majority of the next day was spent just driving up the coast of OR. We went to a sea lion cave that we saw off the side of the highway, and saw the enormous sand dunes. By the end of the day, we had reached Portland. We took a drive up the Columbia River Gorge to see Multnomah Falls and ended the night in Portland. It was July 4th so we got to watch the fireworks over the Columbia River...pretty schnazy!

The next day was on to Washington; Mount St. Helen's and Mount Ranier National Park. Mt. St. Helen's was so amaxing! It's was smoking when we were there so that added some excitement! I was disappointed at Mount Ranier because it was rainy and foggy, so we couldn't even see the mountain. We said we would go back another time...and we will. We ended the day at my mom's up in Burlington. After spending a few nights with her, we took the scenic route back to Montana. We drove through Northern Cascades National Park, stopped in Coure d'Alene, ID to walk the boardwalk around Lake Coure d'Alene, and were in Kalispell, MT by dinner time. We spent a few nights with my dad, going up into Glacier National Park to do some
Tourquoise tideTourquoise tideTourquoise tide

Lake Tahoe, CA
fishing and picniking, then headed back to Butte to see the rest of the family and drop the boys at home. It was a good time, but exhausting! The boys and I had naptime everyday around 3 pm in the truck when Jeremy was driving. Poor Brady was so tired of traveling! He was getting lippy and wouldn't get into the truck anymore, so it was good that we ended it when we did!

Additional photos below
Photos: 57, Displayed: 24


Giant looming in the fogGiant looming in the fog
Giant looming in the fog

Redwoods National Park
Giant RedwoodGiant Redwood
Giant Redwood

Redwoods National Park, CA
Jeremy and a RedwoodJeremy and a Redwood
Jeremy and a Redwood

Redwoods National Park
Tyler and a RedwoodTyler and a Redwood
Tyler and a Redwood

Redwoods National Park
Tyler inside a RedwoodTyler inside a Redwood
Tyler inside a Redwood

Redwoods National Park
Tyler and BradyTyler and Brady
Tyler and Brady

Redwoods National Park
Paul and BabePaul and Babe
Paul and Babe

near Redwoods National Park
Wizard Island and Crater LakeWizard Island and Crater Lake
Wizard Island and Crater Lake

Crater Lake National Park

24th June 2009

i may be doing a west coast trip with my mom. were the sea lion caves worth the $? those salt flats are INSANE! i want to see them now
25th June 2009

Keep the Pix Comin!
Hi, Miss Launie! I am thrilled you still send me your travel blogs! Your photos are always of professional grade...I've driven past the Salt Flats many times, but never enjoyed their beauty that you captured in your photos. Keep your pictues coming! Love Darlene
27th June 2009

It sounds like you all had a great trip. Tiring, but great. I've never been on the California or Oregon Coast and it sounds like a cool road trip to go on. I'm glad the boys were able to see everything. The pictures you took of all the waterfalls are beautiful!

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