Memorial Day Weekend

Published: May 30th 2006
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This is a different life. Wake up (pretty much all at the same time due to the noise the first person makes), sit down and breathe, make breakfast while the kids watch tv/dvd, eat, decide what play activity we do first but before we do it transform the rv back from bedrooms to dayrooms and clean breakfast up, then spend the day flowing from one activity to another with large breaks back at the rv for sitting and breathing (the adult activity, yesterday the kids breathing activity related to 50 water balloons and a water hose), have a break in the activities for lunch and dinner (and a nap), always cleaning up anything you do because you have to, and then showers, maybe some more tv/dvd and then sleep.

So yesterday’s activities were the lazy river, outdoor pool, ice cream break, family bike ride, the beach, water balloon fights, and a visit to the holy Mecca of all RV’ers; THE CAMPING WORLD SUPERSTORE. We did get a small nap in to the sounds of the Disney channel in the other ‘room’ (ha ha) but found that my new cell phone with mp3 player works great as white noise so I’ll load it with some sleep sounds and we should be good to nap away the days.

I was worried that I might be bored after the kids went to sleep but as they are hanging in until 10pm and Ed and I are ready to crash at the point, the problem has not surfaced yet.

Myrtle Beach is a bit of a hoot (I am into understatement this sunny hot morning) but it really works for families. There are a ton of people at the RV Park but we are close to both the pools and the beach and it is really convenient. It is also a good location to figure out that we don’t know how to use our awning all that well, that we had a leak in our roof, and that you shouldn’t accept a campsite next to a small yappy dog.

Not many pictures yet because we don’t feel like carrying the camera but as I quote Jacquelyn, “Mom, this first day felt like three day!”


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