Die Zeitkontrolle Fängt An... [The Countdown Begins...]

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August 28th 2008
Published: August 29th 2008
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Grüß Gott! Hello all!

As most of you know, I'm Europe-bound for this coming schoolyear, more specifically headed to Austria & Italy. I know, I know, make your fascist jokes, blah blah blah. Anywho, now that that's out of our system , I thought that I would copy my friend Meg Salocks, who is currently spending the year studying in Paris and set up an online travel blog to chronicle my journey! This, of course, will lead to an ego boost and some boasting on Miss Salocks' behalf, but I figure that this would be a good way for you all to keep tabs on me throughout my trip. You can leave me comments on here, but of course, still email and IM me!

Though I'm still in America, I'll leave you some little fun pages to play around with to give you some background on my city. I'll be in southeastern Austria, close to the Hungarian and Slovene borders in the city of Graz. Yes, this is indeed the hometown of none other than Arnold Schwarzeneggar. I'm choosing to overlook that, though, and go with high hopes that it should be an outstanding time! Viel Spaß! Enjoy!




Here're some other noteworthy cities in the Eastern Kingdom.





Alright, well, that's about it for now! I guess I'll check back in here when I'm on the other side of the pond and let you know if I've made any headway on the eternal question: how DO you solve a problem like Maria?


29th August 2008

Matthew, you are priceless.
30th August 2008

A Nobel Prize in the making!
31st August 2008

hey, i just watched the sound of music...
1st September 2008

you're hysterical! have an amazing time, and i can't wait to hear about all your adventures haha. miss you, bud!

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