About Time in New England

Published: July 16th 2007
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About Time in New England

We made it to the Hudson River, last Friday. 31 locks means a lot of slimmy ropes to hold! The Erie Canal was a good way to get started, as you really don’t have to worry about weather, or tides. Taking the canal through the mountains provided some very spectacular scenery, especially “The Flight”, the last few locks before the Hudson River.

The first night on the Hudson we stayed at Castleton on the Hudson, bringing memorys back from our last trip. Castleton is a boat club, where many boats put their masts up. In Castleton, you use their facilities, and put your own mast up. Boats leave their mast supports here, for their return trip. We stayed on a mooring ball in Castleton for only $5.00. Our mast was shipped, to Hop O Nose , (further south) and due to the height of our mast were happy to let them put it up.

On Saturday morning we left for Hop O Nose in Catskill NY. On Saturday it really got hot! The marina doesn’t put masts up on weekends, as they have a very busy restaurant that they have to work at. So…. We took a couple of days to put the mast together, sit around their swimming pool, and relaxing. It was very nice. On Monday they put the mast up, and we became a sailboat again. It took us until Tuesday afternoon to put all the parts back together, and get the sails on. Hop O Nose was a nice rural place nestled in the mountains

On Wednesday, we finally got going again heading for New York City. The further south you get, the prettier the Hudson river gets. There are also some major mansions set on the hillsides, as you get closer to New York. One of the major attractions is Westpoint , the famous US military academy.

Thursday night we stayed in NYAC , just outside New York City. The Tappan Zee bridge here is significant, as that is where our insurance premium doubles.

Friday the 13th, we went through New York City, (lots of boat traffic, noise etc), circled Manhatten, down the East river to Hells gate, then into Long Island Sound. Friday night we stayed in Manhasset . We anchored here, believe it or not for the first time since our trip started, reminding ourselves that anchoring is really the best.

Saturday we sailed up Long Island Sound to Thimble Island Connecticut . It’s very pretty here, with red granite rock that reminds us of the Thousand Islands. Sunday we anchored at Fisher Island, which is a very classy Island in front of Mytsic Connecticut. Fisher Island is definately a playground for the rich. Today, (Monday we made it to Newport RI, and plan to stay a couple of days, to enjoy this world famous boating community. We'll send more pictures of Newport in our next blog.

Getting used to living on the boat is sort of like a new job. There are lots of things to learn. We had forgotten about the effect of tides on traveling. You can’t go more than six hours without going against the current, and that really slows you down.

That’s it for now. Hope all is well back home.

Additional photos below
Photos: 16, Displayed: 16


17th July 2007

Nice Pics
Good to see the blog is working for you guys. Looking forward to my visit in a couple of weeks. Lots of love, Dawn
17th July 2007

Already an exciting trip!
Great blog - how wonderful of you to share your trip with all of us in this way! Your commentary and pictures are terrific! We're heading off to the North Channel this week but will miss not having you there - especially in McGregor Bay! Continued safe journey! Paul and Jane (Life is Good)
17th July 2007

Gorgeous scenery by by water!
Great pictures guys...and I thought that area was beautiful by car...you have the best view!....Jane
20th July 2007

enjoying the blog
Great to see that you have made New York and on the way. We are enjoying your blog and you have us thinking about maybe we should go south with our boat as well. Liberte'
23rd August 2007

living vacariously through your blog
have a great time

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