Bob's retirement has arrived!

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January 31st 2010
Published: February 27th 2010
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New companion way doorNew companion way doorNew companion way door

One more of the projects we wanted done is almost complete
We took advantage of a few of the “warmer” days in January to work on the boat now that it is closer to home. When we were at the boat show in Annapolis last fall we had ordered some new companion way doors and they were delivered recently. Bob was anxious to put them on to see how they fit. He found out that it needed to be adjusted some but Bob made it work perfectly so have one on now as you can see. The nice thing about them is that they have a screen as well as privacy windows so we can look out while down below, but people can’t see in. They will be easy to remove so we can replace them with the hatch boards when we get into larger seas. Even though it is winter it has been good to get started on some of the numerous projects that need to be done. Always a nice feeling to be back on the boat, even if it is on the hard.

The big news in January was of course Bob’s retirement. His first send off was from the BOCES principals. They really surprised him at his
Privacy doorPrivacy doorPrivacy door

We can see out, but people can't see in with these new companion way doors which will be especially handy when at a dock
last monthly meeting by giving him a Kindle (ebook). Bob really wanted one but it was an “extra” - this will be great for taking with us as we won’t have to carry as many books on board - just think of all that space we just saved - I am sure we will find plenty of other things to fill those holes. Bob has been trying it already - getting lots of books downloaded - this will definitely make the “on watch” duty easier as well. Bob said if I'm nice (really nice) he may even share it with me!! I'm thinking it might be one way to get my cookbooks on board without eating up a lot of space.

For Bob's last day of work he decided to change from his normal “work uniform” of black dress pants, shirt and tie to the outfit that you can see in the photos - blue jeans, Hawaiian shirt, an old beat up “life is good” baseball cap and he even wore a gold earring ( a fake one although he has been threatening to shave his head, get a gold earring and a tatoo - of course Janice still
Bob's last day in the officeBob's last day in the officeBob's last day in the office

Note that Bob decided to go to work in a much more casual manner on his last day
has the power of the veto) . The faculty and staff at school really surprised Bob with a great send off. He didn’t have any idea it was going to happen! Bob not only got a great party, but also a fabulous digital camera from the teachers. As shown in the photo he also got a ship's bell for the boat with a nice engraved plaque from the office staff. It almost made Bob speechless ( those of you that know Bob realize that is hard to do!) Bob made it very clear to everyone that he definitely wasn’t running away from the teachers, students or school, but he was going toward our next geat adventure.

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Bob and the new bellBob and the new bell
Bob and the new bell

The staff at South Seneca really surprised Bob with a captains bell for the boat with the added bonus of an engraved plaque - it almost made him speechless (almost but not quite!)

27th February 2010

Congratulations on the retirement! Time to go sailing. See you out a year or two.
28th February 2010

New Doors
Hi, I enjoy reading your updates. I like the new door!! While you are sailing we will be shoveling snow, snow and more snow!!!! Again, enjoy your retirement. Love to all, Lynn and Charlie
1st March 2010

Hi Bob, I was jusst looking at your web, like all the new pictures and to see the presents you received from all the people at school. You must have had a real good time. I like the shirt you had on the last day of school. Dond't work too hard now that you are retired. Glad Ken could come down to help out over the weekend. So much easier when there are two doing a job. Take it easy remember you are retired now. Love Mom

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