breaking free

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March 20th 2014
Published: March 20th 2014
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Once Vednita Carter broke away from the sex trafficking life, she knew she had to help other women escape. Her non profit organization "Breaking Free" supplies condoms and hygiene products to prostitutes; they also provide the opportunity to escape and go to a safe home, if they want it. Carter slowly built up her organization by employing the prostitutes she helped out. In fact, a majority of the worker at "Breaking Free" have been previous victims of sex trafficking themselves.In addition to the work she does with the prostitutes themselves, she also does work with other problems related to sex trafficking. Vednita takes time to educate police officers into seeing that the women should not be seen as criminal but only as victims. Most of the women involved in prostitution are forced in or have no other choice to resort to. She also runs a class that deals with the men who have been arrested for purchasing sexual favors. She helps them see what they are doing is wrong and explains the consequences of their actions both on themselves and the women they purchase. Vednita hopes to stop the discrimination on prostitution and delivers the message, "Prostitution and sex trafficking really are the same thing. It's about buying and selling a human being."


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