Another rainy day

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August 18th 2013
Published: August 18th 2013
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It rained all makes you want to stay in bed...especially when you don't have to get up for anything. It's still raining. The sound on the RV roof is soothing. Ken is making coffee so I get up. We have some of the blueberry coffee cake with our coffee. Yum!

Our goal is to get all of the unpacking and purging done today. Bill and Jackie left this morning. They gave us their email and home address and invited us to visit. The campground is emptying out...I'm sure the rain doesn't help.

We finished everything except sorting through unneeded clothes. Also did my expenses, a little reading and helped my PA with laundry. We had lunch....still raining. Makes me want to sip on wine and read.

For dinner we had leftover soup and blueberry cake. We tried to watch 'The Campaign' with Will Ferrell but it was so foul and stupid we turned it off.

The rain stopped so we decided to take a walk to get some exercise. It was so muggy with bugs flying in your eyes and ears! We saw a bobcat on the way back to our campsite. There are only 4 other campers here. I think I'll read and maybe work on my photo books.

Any suggestions for books to read?


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