Road Trip

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August 25th 2005
Published: September 6th 2005
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Beep, Beep & then I see a flash of yellow out of the corner of my eye! It's 1 of the millions of cabby's in N.Y.C pulling out to cut me off, so I hit the brakes and get another beep from behind!
The cab drivers drive like mad men! but I made it through the city and it ended up being pretty fun!

We left Ft Lauderdale at lunch and got to Jacksonville at dinner and stayed at a motel 6 (which was cheaper than a lot of hostels). But during the night Forest got some really bad news that a his grandfather had died! So he had to fly back to Texas, we said our goodbyes, It was a bit of a bummer cause I had a top time hangin with forest, your a champ mate!

So I embarked on my solo mission up to N.Y.C to see Bridie. I drove 12 hrs straight to Washington but when i got there I found that the hostels where booked out. So I drove clear of DC and parked and tried to sleep in the car.

Bright and early I drove to N.Y and made it through the
The carThe carThe car

Me n Forest and our dodge neon
jungle without crashing or getting lost much! 1300 miles in about 2 days a whole lotta driving, i got to see a lot of the east coast country side it was fun.


7th September 2005

Look at you with your little wife beater on, driving down the road. I must say, I am impressed. Well done, Aaron. We sung the boom-chicka-boom song today at the fire and almost did yours- but, then I realized that I'm not really into checkin' out babes. Anywho, can't wait for Canada!
1st June 2014
The car

Man that was some fun times!!!

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