Best Laugh Day1

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December 18th 2006
Published: December 18th 2006
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So as you do we went to stock up on supplies, Dad decides to go for a coffee. After about half an hour, he comes back with his styrofoam cofee and a big smile on his face.
you've got to picture me old man, shufflling at the counter sorting his change for the 1$6c coffee.
He gave the guy.... (and dont ask me what planet he was on), but he gave him 11c (have just nearly wet myself again thinking of this story) so the guy out of sympathy / pity gave him the coffee for all of 11c!!!! Only In America.

We've have now explained to him (and he has travelled most of the world, Im starting to get worried about him) and I think he gets it, the green backs with a 1 on are the 1$'s and not the shiny silver coins!!!!

I,ve managed to get a free desert this evening, but that is nothing compared to "the coffee incident" (thinking of you Debs).

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings, maybe I'll get him to pay for some jeans and trainers, with a few more Dimes!!!!


18th December 2006

Don't worry about enjoying the sunshine while we look after the leak in your kitchen!
18th December 2006

The incident
Please dont mention my incident lol

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