UPS, Lack of Legroom and blistering heat

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August 7th 2008
Published: August 7th 2008
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Well well well. 3 deep holes! Not so funny to begin with but Tuesday of this week felt like all we were in was deep holes! What started as a cheeky conversation about the whereabouts of Shanny's passport, swiftly turned into a gut jolting realisation that she had couriered said document to Sydney via UPS Express joke.....imminent departure was two days away.....

So T minus zero days and Steve is on the flight to Miami on his tod, waving bye bye to Shanny at the door just before 6:00am this morning (she follows next week - direct to Rio where the real adventure begins)

Moving swiftly on to: the complete lack of legroom on BA flights....I currently still have a dead right shin (DVT beckons) and this is four hours after landing. Aspirin anyone?

So, the damp and humid London summer does not adequately prepare a pasty Kiwi lad for the oven baked streets of South Beach Miami. I am however going to strike out to look for some particularly compelling DNA evidence and see if my ginger sideburns can convince people that I am "Son of Horatio" from CSI: Miami.

More to follow...


8th August 2008

what a great start ... ben and i have had some mishaps travelling but nothing as dramatic as one of us starting a trip on our own ... better make some friends before your birthday little bro! oh well ... it can only get better from here!!
10th August 2008

Happy Birthday mate!!!
Steve - VERY HAPPY twentyfifth birthday, remember beauty comes with age, even in blokes, like you need any more of it. Silvia says hello and happy birthday too! Post some more stuff! Miss your hairy a*s. Love from Jeper.

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