Great Art of Washinton DC

Published: April 6th 2007
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The National Gallery of Art was created for the people of the United States thanks to the generosity of Andrew Mellon. The Gallery includes both a East Building and a West Building. The West Bldg is the permanent collection of mostly European works from the Middle Ages to the early 20th century.
The Director’s Tour is a recorded devise discussing over 130 works of the Gallery, however it can be a bit tedious. Another option is a recorded tour, Adventures in Art Family style for kids.
The Gallery allows artists to set-up an easel and copy the master’s work; it was quite interesting to observe. We also managed to catch a docent led tour; the gal was informative and enjoyed discussion and questions.
The East Building includes modern works as well as visiting exhibits.
The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden founded by Latvian immigrant Joseph Hirshhorn. He was the twelfth of thirteen children raised by an immigrant-widowed mother in Brooklyn. After selling newspapers, he got a job as an office boy on Wall Street. Obviously he did OK for himself.
My favorite sculpture here is the Beggar Woman by Balzac. The lines are so sleek and smooth, yet one can feel the pain of this poor woman.


National Art Museum
Hirshhorn Museum

Additional photos below
Photos: 15, Displayed: 15


5th May 2007

Long time no hear
Hello you two. Haven't been getting notification of your blog entries in the last several I decided to try to track you down. I see you are enjoying DC. Some of the "southern AGR" folk were wondering where you are. We got together for the 4th AGR South Reunion in February and missed you both! Have written to the email address, but no response, is it no longer a valid address? Take care and keep on having fun. Gerry

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