Last Day...Well, Pretty Much.

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June 25th 2008
Published: June 25th 2008
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Today is the last "real" day of vacation, since tomorrow we are going to see my great aunt and uncle then drive for two days before getting home Friday. I'm kind of sad I guess but I'm ready to get home, I miss my bed! I'm sick of all these hotel beds and showers and being in such close quarters with four other people 24/7. Not that I don't love my family, but we aren't used to this! We spent pretty much all of today at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park, which you access by taking a tram ride all the way to the top of Iron Mountain. We started the day off by taking a tour through Fairy Cave, which was a lot smaller than any cave I've been to but pretty interesting. They've tried to keep everything in the cave as natural as possible, and there were a lot of really neat formations located throughout it. After our tour, we spent the next nine and a half hours on their attractions. We rode a roller-coaster type thing that the rider controlled, a giant swing similar to the boat ride at Six Flags that went out over a cliff, and a zip line. We also went through a human maze, trampoline-bungee jumped, and I of course rock climbed. I was originally really annoyed that I wore flip-flops instead of tennis shoes, but I ended up making it all the way up three different paths of the rock climbing wall regardless. I love rock climbing! Sometime late afternoon it started raining and a lot of people left because they thought it was going to storm. By 7:30 there were only about four families left, which was awesome because there were literally no lines for anything. Most of the workers there were from different countries, which was kind of odd but really neat. Every employee had a nametag with their name and hometown or country on it. I saw people from Brazil, Serbia, Transylvania, and other places. Their accents were awesome. All of the people there were super nice too, which was neat. At the end of the day, we were at the giant swing when this little boy came up to ride with his parents and as the ride was going up he looked at me and said, "hey, I know you!" I just laughed and asked him how he knew me and he said I looked like someone from his cul-de-sac! He was SO cute. And his facial expressions when they released the swing! He was hilarious. Rebecca was too short to ride the swing so Dad and I took her down to the trampoline-bungee thing and after she finished I decided I'd try it. As I was getting hooked up, the little boy came down with his parents. He watched me flip then turned to Rebecca and said, "woah, your mom just did a backflip!" my dad erupted laughing and so did the boy's parents and I just looked at him and said I was not her mother. He shrugged and said, "well I couldn't even tell!" oh it was funny. Anyway, I'm tired. Five days till Hairspray!


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