Let the Adventure Begin!

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July 12th 2007
Published: July 12th 2007
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So here begins a year of travel and adventure, the unknown and the unexperienced. First of all, I would like to address the support and encouragement I have received from family, friends, casual acquaintances and complete strangers. Everyone has been so incredibly supportive it has been amazing! I cannot put into words how wonderful I have felt over the past few months because of the overwhelming amount of support I’ve received. It is great to know that so many people believe in me. It will be impossible for me to fail in anything I try with all of you helping to hold me up! Thank you for that!

So now let me give you the skinny on what’s going on at the moment in my slightly crazy life. My year of adventure is off to a great start as I’ve just settled into my new home for the summer at beautiful Castle Lake, California. I moved up here Monday June 18, set up my house for the summer (a four person tent from Target), blew up my air mattress, put my clothes in my Rubbermaid dresser and rolled out the welcome mat (I’m serious, I have a welcome mat in front of my tent). Since then, I have been working hard about 8 hours a day and enjoying hiking, swimming, exploring with my doggie for the remainder of the day. Thank goodness it stays light around here until 9pm! I have taken lots of pictures of the lake where I work, Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area which I will post soon. Sorry this is a short entry but we are currently entertaining five scientists which are visiting from Uzbekistan to learn how to monitor their lakes and streams since they do not have any formal training for doing such things in their country. It’s cool to teach people something that they can use to help people on the other side of the world. Okay, I’m off!


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