San Francisco

Published: April 10th 2007
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City viewCity viewCity view

This was taken from the top of the twin peaks
Arrived in San Fransico on Sunday and checked into the first youth hostel I found in a guide, which turned out to be an excellent choice. Its really close to everything and the staff here are really friendly. Staying in a dorm with 2 other guys. One is from Sweden and the other from San Diego and are both cool.
The day I checked in a couple of the girls that work here invited me for a beer and then offered to take me on a tour of SF with one of her mates that was visiting from Brighton. Had an excellent day going around loads of areas I would not have seen on a tour. One of their brothers works on a ferry that takes you across the bay so we got on that for free and also had a couple of drinks on the house :o) After the ferry we took a drive up to the north ridge of the Golden gate bridge to take some pics as it was a really nice day (tends to get very foggy here).

On Tuesday I went to 'The Rock' (Alcatraz) which is so cool. Done the audio tour which
Golden gate bridgeGolden gate bridgeGolden gate bridge

Me and my mates...
is basically a self guided tour taking you around the prison. Saw the cells where 3 cons broke out from (there was a movie made about it 'Escape from alcatraz' starring clint eastwood). Took the longest walk after through chinatown and the italian district to burn some burgers off and also got burnt in the process :o(
A crazy American has just moved into the dorm so I'm currently sleeping with one eye open and knife in-hand (mum - Thats a slight exaggeration so dont worry).
Wednesday I went for a walk around an area called the Mission with Yvonne (works at hostel) and her friend AJ which was cool. Had the nicest Burrito and drank my first beer out of a brown paper bag in the park :o) Saw this cool alley with loads of amazing paintings also

Thursday I hired a bike from Fishermans Wharf and went on a masive ride along the water front to the Golden gate bridge where I saw some surfers. They must be nuts because for starters it was absolutly freezing and I've also been told this is 'Great White' season!! After crossing the bridge I cycled some trails around the 'Marin

Taken from the boat on the way there. This was such a good tour and is a must for anyone visiting!
Headlands' and then took a coastal trail down to 'Rodeo Beach'.

Friday I Picked up the convertable Mustang to do the Pacific Coast highway which was absolutly amazing! As I left San Francisco with the roof down and tunes on I had the biggest smile on my face :o)

I'll upload some pics when I can!

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Clarion AlleyClarion Alley
Clarion Alley

I think thats what the alleys called! Anyway, there were loads of really cool paintings!

A random deer I saw whilst out biking..
Gaylord RestaurantGaylord Restaurant
Gaylord Restaurant

This looked like a fun place..... I didn't go in

16th April 2007

Yet another sickeningly enspiring entry....Well, I'm about to hirt the shower before going back to Manheim on this FINE monday morning. Sounds like you struck gold in SF mate. Free tour-guide/honey to show you 'the sites' etc...Ode lands on his feet yet again. Looking forward to the pics geezer. Be good. Ignore the weird american, in my experience this no other kind.

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