A little bit of exploration never hurt anyone…except the Indians

Published: July 14th 2010
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Another late morning arrived and we enjoyed our coffee and cereal while watching a PBS special on how to find Supertwisters. Did you know a tornado can create winds of over 300 mph? The vicious heat prompted us to find something to do inside. We drove around the city of Palm Desert and found an entire strip mall of thrift stores! It was exciting, but pricey. We left with a few records to add to our collection and hunger that could only be satisfied with fish tacos. We went in search of Rubio’s and found on within a half mile. Four fish tacos, chips, a coke with lime, and a cup of pintos for $12.00! The food was delicious! Seriously, the best fish tacos we have ever eaten, and we live in little Mexico! We spent the next few hours walking around a mall, where I bought some new shorts and we got a cinnabon sample. From there we hit up Target, another air conditioned place to spend an hour. Then it was back to the Villa for some more Harry Potter-this time the “Goblet of Fire”.

And leads us up to now. Where we sit, on the couch, watching tv, eating bananas.


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