Notice has been given

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November 29th 2005
Published: December 3rd 2005
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November 28, 2005 was indeed the day for handing in my resignation letter. I didn't know what it would be like. I've been at this job for over 13 years. It's the only real job I've ever known. What was it like? I have to admit, it was kind of anti-climactic really. I got to the office a little after 7:00 this morning, and around 9:00, I walked into my boss' office with my resignation letter in hand, closed the door, and let him know that today was the day. Official notice had been given. I was moving on.

Why anti-climactic? It was no secret that I was going to be leaving soon. My boss & most co-workers knew I was leaving - they just didn't know when. So it wasn't like it was a big surprise. Also, many of my closest co-workers have already left the company or are currently out of town - either handling hurricane claims or on vacation. It's a bit weird leaving with so many already gone!

Having said that, I only have 8 more days to go! 8 more days...

Thanks for reading. Look! There goes Dave!


1st December 2005

Congratulations I think
So where do you go from here? If this is your only job, you still must be a young person.

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