So We're in LA...

Published: October 15th 2007
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Our  PlaneOur  PlaneOur Plane

It didn't break down all the way to America...
So we left the beautiful Highbridge & Burnham train Station at 1.55pm on 10th October and arrived at our hotel in London at 9.10pm. So thats over 7 hours on good old public transport (including a taxi driver who took us to the wrong hotel...). That's quite impressive when our flight to LAX took just over 10 hours!

Between us we watched 5 films, 3 top gear specials, family guy, countless Simpsons and read books and magazines... oh the fun! When we finally landed it took ages to get through customs and collect our bags from the ever friendly American Border and Immigration Control. So imagine our delight when it took nearly 2 hours to get from the airport to our hostel due to LA traffic. But it was made entertaining by the taxi driver who loved the traffic.

We finally arrived at the hostel only to find out that we were actually booked at their other property so had to walk several blocks to actually get to our room.

So on our first full day in LA we had to do the touristy thing and take the LA tour. "Mikey Z" was our legendary tour guide with

The landing didn't go so well.... (only joking this is the plane from War of the Worlds!)
his stories about being a roady with Slayer back in the 80's. We saw the hollywood hills, walk of fame, Rydell High from Grease, the cafe from Pulp Fictions, Rodeo Drive and had lunch on Venice Beach before seeing the Stars Homes!

These houses are ridiculously big. Mick Jaggers is a palace! Also we now know where Britney and Posh and Becks live. So next time we're in LA we'll pay them a visit.

That evening we had pizza at a resturant on sunset blvd, possible the biggest pizza ever!

On our second day on LA we went to Univeral Studios! There was a bus from the hostel but due to lack of interest it was cancelled so we braved American public transport, luckily it wasnt that far.
We ended up doing quite a bit of shopping which we now have to find a place for! May be posting things home already.... So much cheaper than Englng though!

The rides there were amazing and we did the studio tour, getting ttacked by Jaws and King Kong along the way. We also so the Terminator 2 show in 3D.

On our final day in LA we killed time by walking everywhere and saw the La Brea tar pits. More interesting than you might think! We had a bit of retail therapy in the afternoon and chatted to our new American friend Griffen who kindly let us upload the photos on his laptop!

Three days was plenty of time in LA for us! Next stop the Cook Islands....

Additional photos below
Photos: 12, Displayed: 12


Now this is a story all about how..Now this is a story all about how..
Now this is a story all about how..

My life got flipped turned upside down...
Mick Jaggers houseMick Jaggers house
Mick Jaggers house

Why isn't it painted black....
Thats where I left it!Thats where I left it!
Thats where I left it!

Next years model...

Swimming in the tar wasn't the best idea...

15th October 2007

Way Hey!
Nicely done, what a first couple of days you guys have had! Loving the Bellair house pic hahaha thats crazy and the police one too the woman cop looked like the one out of Lost don't you reckon?! By the way just to let you know I got that Personal Banker job in Barclays so when you come home you'll have to come see me in my office! woo hoo! xxx
16th October 2007

Im glad u landed safely!! looks like ur already having a brill time!! keep sending me info lots of love xxx
20th October 2007

should you be traveling!!!
Hi Joe sounds like your having a fab time but I'm a bit worried about you first leg of your travels and it's already going tits up!!!!! but I'm sure it all adds to the experiance!! Keep me updated it's bringing back memories of my cruise ship life have fun XXXX love S-J XX
26th October 2007

Woop Woop
Hey you two, So your already causing trouble in America! sounds about right to me. Really jealous. Loving the piccies. More More!! Lotsa Love from the whole team!! xxxx
28th October 2007

Oh my god, I can't believe its really you guys in all those places! It doesn't seem real some how. Glad you guys got there safe and are having a great time already. Miss you loads already! xxx

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