Snowboarding Escapades

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January 25th 2007
Published: February 3rd 2007
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Having people to put you up around the world is great! thanks to some fantastic contacts we managed to stay in South Lake Tahoe for an extended weekend to try our hand at snowboarding.

Michael and Evan put us up and managed to get us the worlds best lesson, lift pass and hire package deal ever- thanks guys. It even included a complimentary ride on the back of a snowski down the mountain with ski patrol to A&E after anne fell badly at the beginning of day two fracturing her tail bone. She now has to sit on her inflatable 'donut' and is on some super pain killers!

The views and resort at Heavenly is absolutely awesome and it was unfortunate that Anne didn't manage to complete the second lesson as she had really begun to take the mountain by storm! Anyone thinking of going to try a bit of mountain fun should check it out if in the USA but be warned it's not cheap but we can probably tell you the best places to get gear and who to speak to if you want better ideas of exploring South Lake.

Videos and pics to come.

Mike and Evan- LEGENDS! thank you so much.


5th February 2007

hummmm, the whole scene looks strangely familiar.... ha .
6th February 2007

i knew you guys would love snowboarding, sorry to hear bout your injury anne x get well
8th February 2007

You ok anne?! Hope you're walking unaided by now (i somehow missed this post and got all confused by talk of crutches etc) and alex, dude, you need a haircut! :P! easy now

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